7 Tips That Make programming Fun For Kids Free

In this tutorial, we will learn 7 tips that make fun to do Programming for kids free, is coding good for kids, make fun to do coding for kid, and at what age child start coding.

Programming or coding is a creative activity. It’s technical creativity that isn’t for everyone. 

Some people are interested in programming, and some people aren’t.  But if your kids enjoy this type of puzzle-solving and technical creativity, this is for them. Children might not be interested in developing algorithms, but they might love creating games, programming music, website designing, and more.

Coding for kids is rapidly growing in popularity with a large number of parents showing interest in coding programs. Today most of the parents, who are in the software development industry, know the potential growth & demand for skilled coding professionals. They introduced coding to kids and helped them to learn these new skills at a young age.

Is Coding Good for Kids?

Kids are born with computer skills, they are very much familiar with smartphones, apps, and games. They have a strong interest in technology, so their minds are very adaptable at this young age. Kids’ minds quickly absorb and retain knowledge so they have the benefit of learning how to critically assess situations, explore different perspectives, find creative solutions, etc. Coding helps them to attain these skills. If they start programming skills at an early age the easier it will be for them to master this skill.

When they learn to program, they are taught how to solve complex problems in order to write functional scripts. This process is useful when they’re confronted with real-life complications.

In coding, they need to identify the problem, analyze the problem, create a solution, test the solution, and repeat the process. This helps them to make high-level problem-solving skills, it’s an advantage in developing their skill.

How To Make Coding Fun for Kids?

Making coding fun for kids is about finding the things that inspire them. Kids find inspiration from different things. If you are new to programming or coding then here are the 7 tips that can make coding fun for children.

  • Let them follow their creativity
  • Don’t Force the Concepts
  • Suggest fun activities
  • Learn to Code with Programming Games
  • Don’t push it
  • Let them follow what they like
  • Knowledgeable teachers: 

Before starting in programming you must be aware of where to start to teach coding. Covering a range of interesting topics is better than going deep into technical details. Let your kids find their passion on their own. Once your child dives into what the programming world has to offer, they’ll explore themselves. These tips help them to make coding classes fun for them.

  • Let them follow their creativity

Coding is like putting your creative idea to build something new. Most of the students think that computer programming is very hard. You have to emphasize that coding is about creativity and problem-solving. Coding is creating something like – games, websites, robots, etc. The key point is not to force your child to study coding, let it be a part of their interest. 

Make it interesting with the things that we can find on the internet. There are numerous apps, games, and other resources available online. Today, kids spend most of their time on mobile. so introduce them to some coding games that work both ways.

  • Don’t Force the Concepts

Never force the concept, especially when you’re dealing with kids. Naturally, kids have a different mindset and thinking ability, and they may act with reluctance if they’re learning something new. Kids are never going to enjoy technology concepts if you introduce them with strict rules and guidelines.

  • Suggest fun activities:

Teaching coding to young learners is quite difficult as compared to teaching an adult. If you are going to start with, the ‘Hello World’ formula will not work with kids. Children are curious, so their brain perceives information through small plays. So, you should try to understand them with simple programming concepts. Along with lots of engaging activities and exercises. If you want a master’s in coding you need to regularly practice. That’s why it is very important to make a schedule on a daily basis that would help them to improve the interest and skills they’ve already gained. 

One of the great ways to make coding fun for kids is to play coding games. Coding games that uplift your kid’s interest to learn programming and a great way to make coding fun for kids. Coding games like Kodable allow kids to play at their own pace and prompt them with weekly coding challenges. Another important thing is to keep your child excited about coding, making everyday activities feel like a game with elements of reward.

  • Learn to Code with Programming Games

To compete in today’s IT job market, you need coding skills. If you find out your kid is interested in programming, support them. With just a web browser and a computer, they can start to learn to code Get them started early with an online coding game for kids like,

  1. Scratch
  2. Code Camp World
  3. RoboZZle
  4. CodeCombat
  5. CodinGame

If your kid starts with scratch is the best opening. Today’s kids are born with computer skills and are also very familiar with smartphones, touchpads, apps, etc. They have a strong curiosity about technology. Once you learn the basics it is very fun and easy to use. Scratch is a graphical programming environment where you can create games and animations using drag-and-drop programming events.

  • Don’t push it: 

Never push them to follow what you like. Some kids are not interested in coding like others, but that’s okay. There are different kinds of programs and puzzle-based activities that develop similar skills. So you can understand their interest while trying different coding activities.

  • Let them follow what they like

Every child has a different taste in programming, some are interested in program designing, some are into web/mobile applications, games, robotics, etc. Never push them to choose the uninterested programming area. Allow them to choose their area of interest.

  • Knowledgeable teachers: 

If your kids get a knowledgeable trainer they teach the exact skills they want at this age. They help them mold their coding interests without any pressure. Coding classes for kids help them to improve their confidence in those who want to build their expertise in programming. They need to identify the best approach to teach programming to kids.

  • Understand the cognitive development of kids.
  • Understand how kids interact with computers/mobile/internet..
  • Identify suitable teaching and learning methods to be followed for each child.
  • Identify methods to keep kids engaged in learning.

At What Age Can a Child Start Coding?

According to the cognitive-development theory children at the age of 5 called the preoperational stage, they begin to understand the world through words and images. Recent studies show that children under the age of 7 are capable of rapidly understanding a different language. 


What are the best free coding websites for kids?

Coding is a valuable skill that can be learned at any age. It’s important for kids to learn coding in order to help them stay on top of the wave of technological revolution. There are many free websites that offer coding tutorials – some even cater specifically to kids. Here are five of the top coding resources for kids.
Code Avengers
Kidz Can Code

How can I teach my child to code at home?

There are a lot of different ways to teach children to code. Some kids pick it up naturally, but others have a little more trouble getting their heads around the math and logic required for coding.

First and foremost, you should offer your child some basic training with Minecraft. Kids love Minecraft and it is an excellent introduction to the basics of programming logic.

After this, you can introduce them to Scratch, and proceed from there.
You might be surprised by how many websites and resources are available for free online. All you have to do is go online and search for them. These sites offer tutorials on programming that is easy enough for anyone to follow, even children.

Is Tynker coding for kids free?

Are you looking for a free online coding platform for your kids? If yes, then Tynker is the best platform that can help children to learn coding and programming. Tynker is a free educational platform where one can easily create games, animations, and apps by just dragging and dropping blocks.

No prior knowledge of programming or coding is required to use this platform. It contains everything that a beginner needs to learn about programming. The best part about Tynker is that it offers fun projects for kids and their parents together. You can also save your progress on each project.

What is the best programming language for child to learn?

Some people believe that the best programming language to learn for a child is Python. Some believe C++, Java, or even Scratch is better. The truth is, the answer depends on your child and your goals.

If you’re looking for a language that will teach problem-solving skills, logic, and building things from the ground up, then Python is an excellent choice. It’s also a great language to pick up if you want to learn how to program robots! However, if you’re hoping to get into game design, then C++ might be better. If your goal is to get into mobile development, then Swift is a good choice.

Finally, Python is also a great language for people who want to work in data science and machine learning. In fact, it’s one of the most popular languages for data scientists and developers working in machine learning today. However, if you’re looking to build AI systems or you want to learn how to create chatbots, then you might be better off picking up JavaScript or Python instead.

At what age can a child start coding?

When you think about it, computer programming is essentially a creative art. It’s a type of storytelling, where logic and creativity are blended to create new things from nothing. That’s why the best programmers in the world are also some of the best storytellers.

If you have an inquisitive mind, you might be able to start coding at an early age. The fact is that children who are exposed to technology earlier in life tend to develop better problem-solving skills.

So if you want to give your child a head start, introduce them to technology as soon as possible.


It is possible to learn programming without textbooks for your child. You can teach your kids some basics of coding at home using toys and books. Make sure your kids are busy with everyday coding activities that will help solidify their programming skills. 

It is worth starting your kids’ coding-based education at a young age. Teaching programming at this age helps them improve their problem-solving ability as well as improve they are in technical professions. Both students, their parents, and teachers begin to learn about changes in the education and career with students capabilities, it is worth going a step forward.

Agna Muhammed Ali

Agna Muhammed Ali is an aspiring writer who pens her thoughts and feelings into creative and well-crafted compositions. Her content focuses on helping the audience have a better understanding of the topic and structures it in an eye-catching manner. Her keen interest in reading enables her to create quality content that attracts readers. She concentrates her writing on the skill development of kids

Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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