Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

Recognize bias in the workplace

Prejudice at work

Bias in the Workplace

Involvement in the workplace is an important goal for many organizations, but it can also be difficult to achieve. Many times, unconscious biases actually affect our ability to be inclusive. Unconscious bias, or implicit bias, refers to a bias we are unaware of, and which is out of our control. It is a bias that occurs spontaneously and arises due to the accelerated learning and assessment of people and situations by our brain, influenced by our background, cultural environment and personal experiences.

Unconscious bias acts as a barrier to equality. This prevents us from developing diverse talents, developing an engaged workforce, leveraging unique experiences and perspectives, and promoting innovation through collaboration. Biases at work can appear just about anywhere, but often in recruitment, screening, performance review and feedback, coaching and development, and promotion.Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

In fact, the Pew Research Center survey found that 4 out of 10 think there are double standards for women seeking the highest levels of leadership in politics or business.

The Corporate Levers Survey, a national study conducted by the Level Playing Field Institute, shows that every year more than 2 million professionals and managers voluntarily give up their work in a wholly unfair way, leaving US employers with $ 64 billion annually Have to do business of Take a look at the following statements which are subliminal beliefs, some of which we have. These are an excerpt from a list shown in an article by The Huffington Post by Trudeau Bourgeois.

  • Men are better leaders.
  • Black women are “angry”.
  • The women are on the “mother track”.
  • Latino men are lazy.
  • Asians are good at technical things.

While many of us will never say or truly believe any of the above, our unconscious minds can cause us to make decisions based on these fanatics created by media and cultural misconceptions. Let’s take a look at where and how bias appears in the workplace. Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

In-group / out-group

As humans we are ready to become familiar to us. In-group bias is the process of favoring someone who is similar to you and excluding those who are not in your natural or immediate group. This can have a significant impact on the workplace. However, we can reach and connect it to people who are not immediately like us. And often, you will find that there are actually many similarities. Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

Impact of unconscious bias on employee performance

We work and make decisions every day, most likely leaving others without any thought. Yet based on brain research – remember those 11 million bits that are coming to us with the ability to process only 40; -We cannot make the best decision if we are not conscious of the biases we hold and the workplace where they show up. So where does unconscious bias appear at work? Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

There are common “traps” here, that unconscious biases can quietly and unknowingly create unintentional exclusions in your daily work. Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

Interview / hire

If you search for talent using the same places, similar schools, similar referrals, you will find the same type of candidates. Additionally, if there is no diverse representation of candidates in the hiring team, it will be difficult to see and see the diversity in your slate. The objective hiring criteria is also important to help eliminate bias and promote equality in the recruitment process. Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

Coaching / development

Can influence beliefs and stereotypes that lead to those more interesting and perhaps complicated assignments (heavy travel or assignment abroad). Feedback will be distributed in different ways, either directly or indirectly, especially between different genders. Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

Talent review

Ask yourself the following questions about measuring and evaluating performance. Are the tools used to review employees free of bias? What criteria are being used to test performance evaluation? Is it skew for different types of personalities? Are you being intentional with promoting a diverse set of employees?

Day to day conversations

Communication between peers, managers and employees all takes various forms. Some individuals can get the task done quickly, others require more time to do the task and rely on others to complete the deliverables. Recognition and rewards take different forms, and it is important to understand what motivates individuals to work, perform, and engage. The key is to treat people equally. Doing this means that you should be aware of your prejudices. Remember, our brain is leading us unknowingly!


You may suffer from bias in the workplace. When and how has prejudice affected you?

Positive impact of diversity and inclusion

So how can we control our biases and incorporate diversity and positive impact on our companies, thereby creating equality in the workplace? The best tool in our toolkit is yourself. We have the ability to step back from a situation and take time to think.

The more biased we have, and how important it is to look outside the group, the more consciously we will challenge every decision that we make and are convinced that we are not prone to prejudice, but are ruling instead Is our partiality. Amy Lazarus, CEO of Inclusion Ventures, suggests that even the task of writing “I have bias” is on a sticky note and placing it on your computer screen can help you reduce bias by becoming more aware. Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

As people we place, develop, and promote in our behavior, and become more inclusive in our behavior, we can rectify and reap the unexpected negative effects of unconscious bias. Diversity in the workplace, as research has shown, in all its forms:

Leads to better results – financial, customer satisfaction and even philanthropy
Fuel diversity of ideas and innovation
Represents global customer profiles and purchasing decisions
In the next module, you learn how to create a culture of inclusiveness for all using our equality collaboration practices.

QNA:- Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers

a) Which of these is an example of how to mitigate unconscious bias?

i) Not having a diverse set of candidates
ii) Not using criteria consistently when evaluating performance
iii) Wanting to work with people ‘just like you’
iv) Using objective criteria in your recruiting and hiring process

b) What can we do to mitigate bias and increase diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

i) Challenge our own unconscious bias
ii) Do whatever we did in the past because our past experience informs our current beliefs and actions
iii) Refer to news and social media
iv) There is no way to mitigate bias

Recognize Bias in the Workplace| Trailhead Salesforce Answers. This article is written on the reference of Trailhead Salesforce for Students.

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Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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