Module: Salesforce CPQ Basics Trailhead -Answers
In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Module called “Salesforce CPQ Basics“. In this lecture, you are going to Discover how Salesforce CPQ helps your sales team create …
In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Module called “Salesforce CPQ Basics“. In this lecture, you are going to Discover how Salesforce CPQ helps your sales team create …
To start learning Python, you can follow these steps: print(“Hello, World!”) As you continue learning Python, you can explore more advanced concepts such as variables, data types, loops, and functions. …
In Python, the other arithmetic operators, such as -, /, %, **, and //, cannot be used with strings because they expect numerical operands and strings do not have numerical …
It is difficult to determine which of the following is not a keyword in Python without knowing what the options are. Python has a set of reserved words that cannot …
To find the maximum length of a list within a list in Python, you can use the following approach: Here is an example of how to find the maximum length …
A Python list is a collection of items stored in a single place in memory. Lists are ordered, changeable, and allow duplicate values. Lists are created using square brackets [] …
Many people have questioned how we can round a number in python without using the round function. To round the number without using the round function we will do it …
In this tutorial, we will learn about Trailhead Salesforce Certification. Salesforce is one of the best CRM software service providers. Here we will see the Salesforce certification fee, types of …