which one of the following is not a keyword in python language: Best way to know

It is difficult to determine which of the following is not a keyword in Python without knowing what the options are. Python has a set of reserved words that cannot be used as variables or function names, known as keywords. Some examples of Python keywords include and, as, assert, break, class, continue, def, del, elif, else, except, False, finally, for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda, None, nonlocal, not, or, pass, raise, return, True, try, while, and with.

To check if a word is a keyword in Python, you can use the keyword module. For example:

import keyword

if keyword.iskeyword("foo"):
    print("'foo' is a keyword in Python.")
    print("'foo' is not a keyword in Python.")

You can also use the dir() function to get a list of all the keywords in Python:

import keyword

Certainly! Python has a set of reserved words that cannot be used as variables or function names, known as keywords. These keywords have special meanings in the Python language and are used to represent certain concepts or operations.

Here is a list of some common Python keywords with their use:

  • and: Used to perform a logical AND operation on two boolean expressions.
  • as: Used to create an alias for a module or name defined in a import statement.
  • assert: Used to test a boolean expression and raise an exception if the expression is False.
  • break: Used to exit a loop prematurely.
  • class: Used to define a new class.
  • continue: Used to skip the remainder of the current iteration of a loop and move on to the next iteration.
  • def: Used to define a new function.
  • del: Used to delete an object or a name defined in a list or dictionary.
  • elif: Used as an abbreviation for “else if” in a conditional statement.
  • else: Used as the default branch of a conditional statement.
  • except: Used to catch and handle exceptions raised by a try block.
  • False: A boolean value representing “false”.
  • finally: Used to specify a block of code that should be executed regardless of whether an exception is raised in a try block.
  • for: Used to define a loop that iterates over a sequence of values.
  • from: Used to import a specific name or name from a module.
  • global: Used to indicate that a variable is a global variable, rather than a local variable defined within a function.
  • if: Used to define a conditional statement.
  • import: Used to import a module or modules.
  • in: Used to test membership in a sequence or mapping.
  • is: Used to test object identity.
  • lambda: Used to create a small anonymous function.
  • None: A special object representing “nothing” or “no value”.
  • nonlocal: Used to indicate that a variable is a non-local variable, defined in an enclosing function.
  • not: Used to negate a boolean expression.
  • or: Used to perform a logical OR operation on two boolean expressions.
  • pass: Used as a placeholder for a block of code that does nothing.
  • raise: Used to raise an exception.
  • return: Used to exit a function and return a value.
  • True: A boolean value representing “true”.
  • try: Used to define a block of code that may raise an exception.
  • while: Used to define a loop that repeats as long as a boolean expression is True.
  • with: Used to wrap the execution of a block of code with methods defined by a context manager.

Keywords are an important part of the Python language, and it is important to choose descriptive, meaningful names for your variables and functions to avoid conflicts with keywords. If you try to use a keyword as a variable or function name, you will get an SyntaxError exception.

Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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