Trailhead basics answers |Where’s the first place to look for help with Trailhead?2020
1) Where’s the first place to look for help with Trailhead?( trailhead basics answers)
A. Google
B. Salesforce StackExchange
C. Salesforce Help & Training
D. Trailhead Help
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Learning Objectives | trailhead basics answers
After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:
- Navigate units, modules, and trails.
- Explain the difference between a module and a project.
- Explain how you earn points, badges, and ranks.
What’s a Trail? | Trailhead basics
The essence of Trailhead is, you guessed it, trails. A trail is an ordered group of modules, projects, or both that provides a guided learning path to learning a new skill, product, or role. Because there are so many things you can learn on Trailhead, there are lots of trails—currently more than 100—covering a wide range of topics. traihead basics

What’s a Module? (Trailhead basics)
A module covers a single learning topic. While trails are great for learning a comprehensive set of related topics, you can also mix and match modules freely. Say that you’re a Salesforce developer with five years of experience, and your org is about to begin the move to Lightning Experience. It’s not worth your time to work through the entire Developer Intermediate or even Develop for Lightning Experience trail—you know most of that stuff already. Instead, you can pick and choose the modules that address the gaps in your knowledge, such as Lightning Web Components for Aura Developers and Lightning Flow.
A module is broken down into units. Each unit covers a subtopic within a module, and has either a hands-on challenge or a quiz at the end. When you ace the quiz or complete the challenge, you get a healthy dose of points that add to the total displayed on your profile. When you’ve completed all of the units in a module, you earn a new badge.
When you earn points and badges, you advance ranks. When you begin you’re a Scout, and once you’ve earned your first badge you’re a Hiker. Eventually, you could even be an Expeditioner (50 badges and 35,000 points) or a Ranger (100 badges and 50,000 points). Take note, though, that you need points and badges to earn ranks. To keep climbing, you can’t just stick to modules with multiple-choice quizzes—you need to also complete hands-on challenges.
What’s a Project?
Completing modules is not the only way to earn points and badges. You also earn a badge upon completing the project. A project is a series of hands-on steps that allow you to quickly learn Salesforce skills by putting them into practice.
Unlike a hands-on challenge, which gives you a set of requirements that you have to figure out how to complete, a project gives you step-by-step instructions to follow, then confirms that you have Everything is done correctly.
If you prefer to learn by jumping right in rather than reading details and conceptual information, then projects are great for you, and you should build confidence by working through an example yourself in a trailhead playground.
To see the complete list of modules or projects, go to the tab respectively and click Modules or Projects.
Attention, Trailblazer!
Do we have your attention? Good! Salesforce has two distinct user experiences: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. Modules and projects that are meant to be completed in Salesforce Classic have a note at the beginning to give you a heads up.
Make sure that you’re using the recommended user experience in your Trailhead Playground when you’re completing hands-on challenges. Lightning Experience provides a streamlined user interface with an improved Setup experience and lots of features to help your reps sell faster and smarter. We know you’ll love Lightning Experience, which is why your Trailhead Playground uses it by default. If you do need to switch back to Salesforce Classic, click your profile image in the top-right corner of your Trailhead Playground and click Switch to Salesforce Classic. To switch back to Lightning Experience, click your profile image in the top-right corner of the page and click Switch to Lightning Experience.
To learn more about enabling Lightning Experience and switching between interfaces, check out the Lightning Experience Basics module.
What’s a Credential?trailhead basics
Trailhead is your portal to learn more about Salesforce credentials. There are currently two types of credentials: Superbadase and Salesforce certification.
You earn certification by taking a proctored exam that tests your skills. Salesforce certificates are world-class credentials that demonstrate your abilities to work with Salesforce technology. If you are already certified, Trailhead is the place where you earn the Certification Maintenance Badge, which ensures that you are up to date on the latest Salesforce features.
The Credentials tab gives you more information about different types of Salesforce certifications, including information about exams, links to sign up for instructor-led training, and details about what it means to be a Salesforce professional Is, such as an administrator, developer, or other. Advisor.
You earn a great deal by working hands-on in a trailhead playground, just as you would like to earn a module or project. Currently there are only a handful of superbadages, as opposed to modules and projects — which focus on a specific topic – superbadages help you learn across the entire comfort zone by providing a real-life business scenario for which you need to create a solution Will happen. Superbads are organized by role, and are designed to complement our role-based Salesforce certifications

For example, see Process Automation Specialist Superbad. For many businesses, process automation is the oil that keeps their parts running smoothly, and Salesforce provides many tools to automate processes. This superbad asks you to automate the sales process for RB Robotics, a robotics company overwhelmed by its success.
Superbugge gives a set of implementation requirements, asking you to automate leads, contacts, and opportunities, as well as creating a flow and sales process. Working as a Salesforce administrator or dev, it is easy to imagine a lot of real-life situations where you face similar tasks.
When you work through a superbad, you are doing the same thing that many Salesforce admins and devs do every day. Because superbads are skill-based and complex, you’ll need to earn some badges before unlocking each to be ready to tackle the challenge. You definitely wouldn’t want to take on the breakdown of the RB robotics process without earning your Lightning Flow badge.
Mix things up with trafficmix
The trailhead has a lot of material, and is organized in various ways. This is why we give you a way to group modules together and share them on your own terms. Remember how you used to make mixtape in high school? A treelix is like a mixtape, but superbadase rather than modules, projects, trails, and songs. You can keep a mark to yourself, or share it with someone. Use a trailmix to set your own goals, or use it by giving a list of materials to onboard new employees.
To create Trailmix, hover over the Learn tab, click Trailmixes, then click Create a trailmix. Give your trailmill a name, description and custom URL, then click Next. From there, the trailhead is your oyster. Click on the plus icon. To add it to your trailmix on any module, trail, project, or superbade. Once you have made the mixture to your liking, share it with someone you like by sending a unique URL.

Find What You’re Looking for with Search and Filters
There is a lot of material to choose from at the trailhead, and we want to make it easy to find what you’re looking for. Use the search bar at the top of the screen to see something specific, or you can filter hundreds of modules and trails at the trailhead by feature area, product, role, or level. You can sort the search result on the results page by clicking on the sort dropdown, which is the most relevant. If, for example, you are short on time, you can sort to complete quickly. If you are getting close to that next rank, you probably want to sort the results based on most points.
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Where is the first place to look for help with Trailhead?Trailhead basics answers 2020|Where-s the first place to look for help with Trailhead?Trailhead basics answers 2020|Where_s the first place to look for help with Trailhead?Trailhead basics answers 2020|Where’s the first place to look for help with Trailhead?Trailhead basics answers 2020|Where’s the first place to look for help with Trailhead?Trailhead basics answers 2020|Where’s the first place to look for help with Trailhead?Trailhead basics answers 2020|Where is the first place to look for help with Trailhead?Trailhead basics answers 2020Where’s the first place to look for help with Trailhead?Trailhead basics answers 2020