This article will show how we can read and write files from user input.
Java program to read a file line by line and display output:
Algorithm: Java program to read file
- import*; package
- create class Filedemo{
- Create function: public static void p(String str){
- Print String: System.out.println(str);
- Againg create another function: public static void analyze(String s){
- File f = new File(s)’
- if( f.exists()){
- p(f.getName()+” is a file”);
p(f.canRead()?” is readable”:” is not readable”);
p(f.canWrite()?” is writable”:” is not writable”);
p(“Filesize:”+f.length()+” bytes”);
p(“File last mdified:”+f.lastModified());
if(f.isDirectory()) then
p(f.getName()+” is directory”);
p(“List of files”);
String dir[]=f.list();
for(int i=0;i<dir.length;i++)
- Create main function: public static void main(String rr[])throws IOException{
- filedemo fd=new filedemo();
- BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
- System.out.println(“Enter the file name:”);
- String s=br.readLine();
- fd.analyze(s);
Source Code: File Readable | File Writeable | Types of file | Size of file
class filedemo
public static void p(String str)
public static void analyze(String s)
File f=new File(s);
p(f.getName()+" is a file");
p(f.canRead()?" is readable":" is not readable");
p(f.canWrite()?" is writable":" is not writable");
p("Filesize:"+f.length()+" bytes");
p("File last mdified:"+f.lastModified());
p(f.getName()+" is directory");
p("List of files");
String dir[]=f.list();
for(int i=0;i<dir.length;i++)
public class FileDetails
public static void main(String rr[])throws IOException
filedemo fd=new filedemo();
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.println("Enter the file name:");
String s=br.readLine();
Expected Output:

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