Java Program to Calculate the Area of Circle
In this program, we will learn to calculate and display the area of a circle. To calculate the area of the circle we have to use a formula that is: (22*r*r)/7. Here “r” means the radius of the circle.
Algorithm to Calculate the area of the circle
- import*;
- import java.util.*;
- create class Area
- public static void main(String[] args)
- Scanner ob = new scanner (’
- double r;
- System.out.print(“Enter radius”);
- r = ob.nextInt();
- double area = (22*r*r)/7.
- System.out.print(” Area of the Circle is: ” + area);
Source Code to Print the area of Circle
import java.util.*;
class Area
public static void main(String []args)
Scanner ob=new Scanner(;
double r;
System.out.println(“enter value r”);
double c = (22*r*r)/7;
System.out.println(“area of circle: ” +c);
Execute Code Here
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