Module: Inclusive Marketing Practices | Trailhead Salesforce Answer

Module: Inclusive Marketing Practices

A.Understand the Impact of Inclusive Marketing

Qn.1)What does inclusive marketing mean?

I)Inclusive marketing means marketing your message in an obvious and clear manner.
II)Inclusive marketing is the opposite of exclusive marketing.
III)Inclusive marketing is not necessary with today’s changing demographics.
IV)Inclusive marketing means creating content that reflects the diverse communities your company serves and is inclusive and respectful of all cultures.
V)Inclusive marketing means to brand your company as a hip and cutting-edge branded
[showhide type=”post1″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= IV)Inclusive marketing means creating content that reflects the diverse communities your company serves and is inclusive and respectful of all cultures.[/showhide]

Qn.2)Why is inclusive marketing beneficial for companies?

I)It’s on-trend and all big companies are incorporating inclusive marketing into their strategies.
II)Inclusive marketing helps companies reach new audiences.
III)It helps deepen customer relationships and trust.
IV)Inclusive marketing attracts and inspires the next workforce generation.
V)B, C, and D
[showhide type=”post2″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= V)B, C, and D[/showhide]

B.Introduce Inclusive Marketing to Your Company

Qn.1)What is the difference between intent and impact?

I)Intent is the intention behind a message, while impact is how the message is actually perceived
II)Intent is negative, and impact is positive
III)Intent is the tone of the message, and impact is the language of the message
IV)The intent and impact of a message are exactly the same things.
[showhide type=”post3″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= I)Intent is the intention behind a message, while impact is how the message is actually perceived[/showhide]

Qn.2)What are the six principles of inclusive marketing?

I)Start with the tone; be intentional with the language; ensure representation; consider the context; avoid appropriation; and promote counter-stereotype
II)Start with the tone; be intentional with the language; be mindful of the context; don’t appropriate elements of a minority culture for financial gain; ensure representation, and select high-res images.
III)Start with the tone; think of all the touchpoints in your ad campaign; be intentional with the language you use; ensure representation; avoid cultural appropriation, and garner a generous marketing budget to guarantee success.
IV)Avoid cultural appropriation; elevate authentic voices; be aware of nuances; seek input from a diverse panel; don’t trust anonymous feedback; and incorporate a fun, playful tone in your marketing message
[showhide type=”post4″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= I)Start with the tone; be intentional with the language; ensure representation; consider the context; avoid appropriation; and promote counter-stereotype[/showhide]

C.Learn the First 3 Principles: Tone, Language, and Representation

Qn.1)Why is it important to be intentional with the language used in marketing?

I)In this globalized and connected world, it’s important to have your ad translated in as many languages as possible
II)Language can be nuanced Consider the regional and cultural context of your message to ensure your message is not misunderstood or offensive
III)If you’re not intentional with your language, then everyone will understand the message and confusion will be avoided
IV)B and C
[showhide type=”post5″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= II)Language can be nuanced Consider the regional and cultural context of your message to ensure your message is not misunderstood or offensive[/showhide]

Qn.2)Which of the following actions should you take to ensure representation in your marketing message?

I)Include all groups and strive to challenge the status quo.
II)Use your marketing message to uplift and elevate a minority group.
III)Fill a quota by simply adding a minority group to your aIV)
IV)A and B
[showhide type=”post6″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= IV)A and B[/showhide]

D.Learn the Next 3 Principles: Context, Appropriation, and Counter-Stereotyping

Qn.1)What is important to remember when considering the context of a message?

I)Context is up to your personal discretion, and you can make it up as you go.
II)A marketing message doesn’t exist in isolation. Accurately reference historical and cultural context if you allude to a moment in history. Make it authentic
III)Don’t let the context of the message limit your message
IV)A and C
[showhide type=”post7″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= II)A marketing message doesn’t exist in isolation. Accurately reference historical and cultural context if you allude to a moment in history. Make it authentic[/showhide]

Qn.2)What should marketers do to ensure their message is culturally respectful?

I)Marketers should be mindful of potential nuances and check historical context.
II)Marketers can use their platform to elevate cultures and express their authentic voices.
III)Marketers can seek out diverse opinions.
IV)Marketers can freely pick and choose any cultural elements without attributing them to their respective culture
V)A, B, and C
[showhide type=”post8″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= V)A, B, and C[/showhide]

E.Develop an Inclusive Review Process

Qn.1)What is the best way to ensure underrepresented groups have a safe place to share their feedback?

I)Create an anonymous online survey in which everyone can freely offer their honest and raw feedback.
II)Set up online games to challenge biased thinking.
III)Create and share an online survey, but don’t make it anonymous so everyone can be held accountable for their feedback.
IV)It is impossible to create a safe space for anonymous feedback.
[showhide type=”post9″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= I)Create an anonymous online survey in which everyone can freely offer their honest and raw feedback.[/showhide]

Qn.2)What are five final assessment tools you can use to check your marketing message?

I)Create a space for inclusive and anonymous feedback; add transcription to videos; send feedback requests via email with everyone visible in the thread; put on your equality glasses on, and copy edit content.
II)Set up a diverse review panel; seek input from outspoken people in your company; hire an outspoken marketing manager; ensure accessibility, and have a diverse review panel.
III)Put on your equality glasses; have a diverse panel; seek input from others when in doubt; create a safe space for inclusive and anonymous feedback, and ensure accessibility.
IV)Put on your equality glasses; put together a diverse panel to assess the ad; seek input from others when in doubt; create a safe space for feedback, but don’t keep it anonymous, and consider accessibility when it’s convenient.
[showhide type=”post10″ more_text=”Show Answer” less_text=”Hide Answer”]answer= III)Put on your equality glasses; have a diverse panel; seek input from others when in doubt; create a safe space for inclusive and anonymous feedback, and ensure accessibility.[/showhide]

Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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