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If you scroll down then you will get the answer,With the App Launcher, your users can | Trailhead Salesforce Answers

Get Instant Results, Top Results, and that’s just the beginning
When you click into the case, the search begins working for you. A rundown of ongoing things gives brisk connections to records you’ve as of late visited.
Rundown of Recent Records
Begin composing, and the rundown powerfully refreshes with matches from every single accessible article. In the event that you see what you’re searching for, select it to go right to the record.
Search Matching
Try not to perceive what you need in the dropdown list? Try not to stress—you have choices. To get results just for the article you’re on, select the subsequent choice in the moment results dropdown list.
Perused Search
On the other hand, you can choose the primary choice or press Enter to look across your whole association. You’ll arrive on the Top Results page, which shows you the most pertinent outcomes from your most often utilized articles.
You additionally get a brief look at how search causes you to find what you need. Highlights like spelling amendment and equivalents return coordinates that are like your hunt term. You may discover one that is exactly the thing you’re searching for.
Realize which object you need to look at? Begin composing the name of the item close to the worldwide hunt box. You can channel the dropdown list (1), or look to discover what you’re searching for. The articles you utilize most as often as possible are at the best (2), trailed by every accessible item, recorded in order (3).
To choose a featured item, click it or press Enter. As you type your pursuit term, the moment results are restricted to the choice to object. Press Enter to see full indexed lists for just that object.
To eliminate the channel, change the item to All.
Restricting an inquiry to a particular article in Lightning Experience
Refine Your Results
From the significant level outline of Top Results, it’s not difficult to focus on what you need. Get results for a particular item by choosing it on the left, under Search Results. You can perceive the number of results was found for each article.
In the event that you don’t see an item that you need under Search Results, don’t stress, it’s nearby close by. Select Show More to see all articles accessible to you, recorded in sequential requests.
Top Results Page
You can channel list items for accounts, cases, contacts, dashboards, documents, Knowledge articles, drives, notes, openings, individuals, and errands, and for custom items. To see separating choices, click the article name in the Search Results sidebar.
You can likewise sort the most indexed lists. At the point when you initially get to the indexed lists page, you see that outcomes are arranged by pertinence. That sounds savvy—and it is!— however what’s the significance here, precisely? A few things are thought of, as:
How interesting is the pursuit term?
How frequently does the hunt term appear in a record?
Do you own the record you’re looking for?
You can likewise sort indexed lists by clicking segment headers or utilizing the sort dropdown menu.
The sort dropdown menu
You can change section widths on the query items page by clicking and hauling the lines in the segment header.
Segment header with the line between sections featured
Text wrapping is on of course, yet you can change this inclination for a section by tapping the down bolt in the segment header.
Section header with bolt clicked to show Wrap text and Clip text alternatives
Can’t Find What You’re Searching For?
In the event that you get an excessive number of results, take a stab at utilizing more—and more explicit—search terms.
Check whether the item or field is accessible.
Ensure that you approach the record. Search just returns results you have the authorization to see.
In the event that you as of late made or refreshed the record, trust that the record will be filed. In the event that you can’t discover your record following 15 minutes, contact your administrator.
For additional tips, see Search for Records in the Resources area.
We think you’ll concur you’ve discovered the ideal partner—it has an expansive point of view, yet guides you to the significant things. It saves you such a lot of time and exertion that you’ll likely think about how you’d complete your work without it.
A) The navigation bar in Salesforce:
Trailhead Salesforce Answers
B) With the App Launcher, your users can:
- I) Sync their apps, bookmarks, and other settings across device
- II) Download and install Salesforce platform apps.
- III) Access all standard, custom, and connected apps in your organization.
- IV) See only their most recently used apps.
This Article is written with the help of Trailhead Salesforce
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