Artificial Intelligence for Business (ideas)

In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Module called “Artificial Intelligence for Business“. In this lecture, you are going to learn how to use artificial intelligence to meet your business needs. Solve the quiz on Trailhead.

#1. Learn the Main Ingredients of Artificial Intelligence

Solve these tests and get 100 points

Q1) When AI makes a prediction to a yes-or-no question, the prediction generally comes in what form?

#I)A value of either True or False

#II)A value of either 1 or 0

#III)A percent value between 0 and 100

#IV)A value of either Success or Fail

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] III)A percent value between 0 and 100 [/bg_collapse]

Q2) While not technically a component of AI, which part of an AI solution is key to making use of AI data and insights?

#I)Numeric predictions



#IV)Workflow and rules

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] IV)Workflow and rules [/bg_collapse]

Check the Quiz to Earn 100 out of 100 Points

The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#2. Take the First Steps in Using Artificial Intelligence for Business

Solve these tests and get 100 points

Q1) A marketing team is trying to improve their messaging strategy. Which outcome would be the best to try predicting?

#I)How often mailed catalogs will be immediately trashed

#II)How likely a marketing email will be opened by an age group

#III)How amusing readers will find their tweets

#IV)How likely it will snow during their Chicago networking event

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] II)How likely a marketing email will be opened by an age group [/bg_collapse]

Q2) Finish this one truism of AI: “If you can’t report on it,…”

#I)”you haven’t tried hard enough.”

#II)”just report on something else.”

#III)”it probably doesn’t matter.”

#IV)”you can’t predict it.”

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] IV)”you can’t predict it.” [/bg_collapse]

Check the Quiz to Earn 100 out of 100 Points

The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#3. Use Artificial Intelligence to Meet Your Business Needs

Solve these tests and get 100 points

Q1) What is one thing that Einstein Engagement Frequency is designed to help avoid?

#I)Sending emails that take too long to read

#II)Annoying customers with too many emails

#III)Sending emails to the wrong address

#IV)Waiting too long between lead creation and lead followup

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] II)Annoying customers with too many emails [/bg_collapse]

Q2) Which AI tool is especially helpful to customers who like to help themselves with support issues?

#I)Classification of incoming support emails


#III)Personalized eCommerce sites

#IV)Product recommendations

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] II)Chatbots [/bg_collapse]

Check the Quiz to Earn 100 out of 100 Points

The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

List of Modules:

Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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