Module: AWS Networking -Trailhead Salesforce Answers

In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Module called “AWS Networking“. In this lecture, Set up the best traffic route for your app on AWS. Click here to solve the quiz AWS Networking on the trailhead.

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#1. Explore Networking on AWS

Solve these tests & get 100 points

a) What does Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) enable you to do?

I)Simplify an IP address with 8-bit groups.
II)Specify a range of IP addresses.
III)Send an email.
IV)Send a letter.

b) True or false: When you create an EC2 instance, you need to select a network to provide your application connectivity to the internet and other AWS resources.


Check the Quiz to Earn 100 out of 100 Points. The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points

#2. Discover Amazon VPC

Solve these tests & get 100 points

a) Which of the following pieces of information do you need to create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?

I)The Availability Zone it will reside in.
II)The subnet it will reside in.
III)The AWS Region it will reside in.
IV)The group of subnets it will reside in.

b) How many IP addresses does AWS reserve when you create a new subnet?


Check the Quiz to Earn 100 out of 100 Points. The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#3. Learn About Amazon VPC Routing

Solve these tests & get 100 points

a) True or false: By default, when a route table is created, it contains a route to allow local traffic.


b) Which of the following can a route table be attached to?

I)AWS Accounts
II)Availability Zone

Check the Quiz to Earn 100 out of 100 Points. The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points

#4. Get Connected With Amazon VPC Gateways

Solve these tests & get 100 points

a) What must you do to allow resources in a public subnet to communicate with the internet?

I)Create a route to a private subnet.
II)Attach an internet gateway to your VPC.
III)Create a route in a route table to the internet gateway.
IV)A and B
V)B and C

b) True or false: NAT gateways enable private resources to access the internet without being directly reachable from the internet.

Check the Quiz to Earn 100 out of 100 Points

The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#5) Secure Your Network with Amazon VPC Security

Solve these tests & get 100 points

a) True or false: A network ACL filters traffic at the EC## instance level.


b) Which of the following is true for the default settings of a security group?

I)Allows all inbound traffic and blocks all outbound traffic.
II)Blocks all inbound traffic and allows all outbound traffic.
III)Allows all inbound and outbound traffic.
IV)Blocks all inbound and outbound traffic.

Check the Quiz to Earn 100 out of 100 Points

The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

Introduction: AWS Networking

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are increasingly leveraging cloud computing to power their applications and services. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading provider of cloud infrastructure, offering a comprehensive suite of services to enable organizations to build, deploy, and manage their applications in the cloud. One crucial aspect of AWS is its networking capabilities, which allow businesses to create secure and scalable network architectures for their cloud-based resources.

2. What is AWS Networking?

AWS networking refers to the collection of services and features provided by AWS that enable the creation and management of networks within the AWS cloud environment. It allows users to define and control their virtual networking infrastructure, including virtual private clouds (VPCs), subnets, routing tables, and network security settings. AWS networking provides the foundation for establishing connectivity and communication between different resources and services hosted on AWS.

3. Benefits of AWS Networking

AWS networking offers several advantages for businesses:


With AWS networking, organizations can easily scale their network infrastructure to accommodate growing demands. It provides flexible options for adding or removing resources, adjusting network capacity, and adapting to changing traffic patterns.


AWS networking incorporates robust security measures to protect data and resources. It offers features such as security groups, network access control lists (ACLs), and virtual private network (VPN) connectivity to ensure secure communication and prevent unauthorized access.

High Availability:

AWS networking enables the creation of highly available network architectures by leveraging features like elastic load balancing, automatic failover, and redundant connections. This ensures that applications and services hosted on AWS have minimal downtime and can handle increased traffic loads.

Global Reach:

AWS has a global infrastructure that spans across multiple regions and availability zones. AWS networking allows businesses to easily deploy their resources in different regions and establish reliable connectivity between them, ensuring low-latency and high-performance access for users worldwide.

4. Understanding Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud where users can launch AWS resources. It provides a virtual network environment that closely resembles a traditional network infrastructure, allowing businesses to have complete control over their network settings. Within a VPC, users can define IP address ranges, subnets, route tables, and network gateways.

5. Subnets and Routing in AWS Networking

Subnets in AWS networking are subdivisions of a VPC’s IP address range. They help in organizing resources within a VPC and provide isolation and segmentation. Routing tables determine how network traffic is directed between subnets, the internet, and other networks. AWS offers both public and private subnets, allowing organizations to control access to their resources.

6. Connecting VPCs: VPC Peering and Transit Gateway

AWS provides different options for connecting VPCs. VPC peering allows users to connect VPCs in the same or different AWS accounts, enabling communication between resources in different VPCs. Transit Gateway simplifies the management of VPC connectivity by acting as a central hub for routing traffic between multiple VPCs and on-premises networks.

7. Load Balancing in AWS Networking

Load balancing is a critical component of building scalable and fault-tolerant applications. AWS networking offers Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) services that distribute incoming traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, containers, or IP addresses. ELB ensures that workloads are evenly distributed, enhances performance, and improves the availability of applications.

8. Network Security in AWS: Security Groups and Network ACLs

Security Groups and Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) are essential security features provided by AWS networking. Security Groups act as virtual firewalls at the instance level, controlling inbound and outbound traffic. Network ACLs operate at the subnet level and allow users to define granular network traffic rules.

9. Traffic Monitoring and Analysis with VPC Flow Logs

VPC Flow Logs capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces within a VPC. This data helps in troubleshooting connectivity issues, monitoring network performance, and identifying potential security threats. By analyzing VPC Flow Logs, businesses gain insights into their network traffic patterns and can make informed decisions.

10. Direct Connect: Extending Your On-Premises Network to AWS

AWS Direct Connect enables organizations to establish a dedicated network connection between their on-premises data centers and AWS. It provides a private and high-bandwidth connection, bypassing the public internet, which enhances security, reliability, and performance for data transfer between on-premises infrastructure and AWS services.

11. DNS Services in AWS Networking

AWS offers managed DNS services that provide scalable and reliable domain name resolution. Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud DNS service that can route users’ traffic to various AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, load balancers, and S3 buckets. Route 53 also supports domain registration and health checking of resources.

12. Content Delivery in AWS: CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) offered by AWS. It caches and delivers content from edge locations located worldwide, reducing latency and improving the user experience. CloudFront accelerates the delivery of dynamic, static, and streaming content while providing advanced features like SSL/TLS encryption and DDoS protection.

13. AWS Global Accelerator: Improving Performance and Availability

AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service that helps improve the availability and performance of applications with a global user base. It directs user traffic to the nearest AWS edge location and routes it to applications running in multiple AWS regions. Global Accelerator employs the AWS global network to optimize performance, reduce latency, and increase the resilience of applications.

14. Network Automation and Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

AWS networking can be automated using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as AWS CloudFormation and AWS CDK. These tools enable users to define and provision their networking resources programmatically, ensuring consistency, repeatability, and scalability of infrastructure deployments.

15. Best Practices for AWS Networking

To maximize the benefits of AWS networking, consider the following best practices:

  • Plan your network architecture carefully, taking into account scalability, security, and high availability requirements.
  • Leverage multiple availability zones and regions for increased fault tolerance and disaster recovery.

Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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