Module: AWS Application Deployment And Monitoring

These are the module that comes under the Trail Called “Learn the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials“. That is given below:

In this tutorial, we are going to cover the Module called “AWS Application Deployment and Monitoring“. In this lecture, you are going to know to Discover the services that enable you to deliver and maintain high-performing apps.


What Is Application Integration?

Application integration is the process of connecting two or more software applications so that they can share data and processes. It allows different applications to work together to exchange information and automate tasks, making it an essential part of digital transformation.

There are many benefits of application integration, including increased efficiency, better data management, and improved decision-making. With so many different applications available, application integration is crucial to making them work together seamlessly.

#1. Learn About the Content Delivery Network

Solve these quizzes and get +100 points

Q1) Which of the following use cases would benefit most from Amazon CloudFront?

#I)A company requires long-term storage of medical documents to meet regulatory requirements.

#II)A local cab company wants to send periodic alerts to drivers to have their cars tuned up.

#III)A healthcare company needs to analyze millions of records to identify trends and areas for potential improvement.

#IV)A multiplayer gaming app delivers dynamic content to hundreds of millions of gamers globally.

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] IV)A multiplayer gaming app delivers dynamic content to hundreds of millions of gamers globally. [/bg_collapse]

Q2) Which of the following best describes the function of an edge location?

#I)Provides network connectivity to remote locations

#II)Stores data for long-term archive purposes

#III)Improves performance of apps by retrieving data from low latency in-memory data stores

#IV)Caches content close to end users for improved performance

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] IV)Caches content close to end users for improved performance [/bg_collapse]

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The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#2. Increase Efficiency with Auto Scaling

Solve these quizzes and get +100 points

Q1) You have an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group with a two-instance minimum and an eight-instance maximum. You specify 50% capacity across all instances. Currently, three EC2 instances are running when traffic increases the load on your EC2 instances to above 50%. Which of the following events will occur?

#I)50% more EC2 instances will be added.

#II)Your Auto Scaling group will double in size.

#III)Your Auto Scaling group will launch instances to maintain 50% capacity.

#IV)The S3 bucket supporting the instances will increase its capacity by 50%

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] III)Your Auto Scaling group will launch instances to maintain 50% capacity. [/bg_collapse].

Q2) What is the function of fleet management?

#I)Automatically replace instances that fail a health check.

#II)Increase the maximum number of instances in an Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group on-demand.

#III)Repair unhealthy EC2 instances to keep them running at full capacity.

#IV)Provide a set of management tools specifically designed for cloud-based nautical applications.

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] I)Automatically replace instances that fail a health check. [/bg_collapse]

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The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#3. Distribute Traffic with Elastic Load Balancing

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Q1) You have an application composed of individual services. You need to route a request to a service based on the content of the request. Which type of load balancer should you use?

#I)Auto Scaling Load Balancer

#II)Network Load Balancer

#III)Application Load Balancer

#IV)Any type of load balancer[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] III)Application Load Balancer [/bg_collapse]

Q2) True or false: Network Load Balancers route connections to targets based on IP protocol data.



[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] I)True [/bg_collapse]

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The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#4. Stay Connected with Application Integration

Solve these quizzes and get +100 points

Q1) Which of the following best describes how Amazon SNS works?

#I)Emails sent to a queue are delivered as text messages to cell phone numbers on the subscription list.

#II)Messages are posted to a topic and then distributed to services and users who subscribe to that topic.

#III)A topic is sent to Amazon SNS, which then returns relevant information on that topic

#IV)Keywords and filters are used to locate information on services that subscribe to Amazon SNS

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] II)Messages are posted to a topic and then distributed to services and users who subscribe to that topic. [/bg_collapse]

Q2) True or false: Amazon SQS FIFO queues process messages in the order they are sent.



[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] I)True [/bg_collapse]

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The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#5. Streamline Development with Management and Governance Services

Solve these quizzes and get +100 points

Q1) Which of the following best describes the function of AWS CloudFormation?

#I)Use YAML or JSON to monitor cost optimization.

#II)Get alerts and guidance on how to better manage your infrastructure.

#III)Automate media development with custom scripts.

#IV)Configure and deploy your infrastructure as code.

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] IV)Configure and deploy your infrastructure as code. [/bg_collapse]

Q2) Which of the following is a feature of AWS Trusted Advisor?

#I)Provides a report on who has accessed a specific service and what they did with it

#II)Gives best practices on how to improve JSON or YAML templates

#III)Examines permissions and provides security recommendations

#IV)Gives advice on reducing the number of hours you spend on management and governance

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] III)Examines permissions and provides security recommendations [/bg_collapse]

Check the Quiz to Earn 100/100 Points

The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

#6. Monitor Your AWS Resources

Solve these quizzes and get +100 points

Q1) Which of the following is an example of something you can do with AWS CloudTrail?

#I)Set an alarm to send you an email when your AWS bill exceeds $50.

#II)Determine who created an Amazon S3 bucket policy 30 days ago.

#III)Launch an EC2 instance when capacity exceeds 80%.

#IV)Create a breadcrumb trail for users to follow to get to a website.

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] II)Determine who created an Amazon S3 bucket policy 30 days ago. [/bg_collapse]

Q2) Which of the following is an example of something you can do with Amazon CloudWatch?

#I)View recommendations for potential monthly savings on your resource usage.

#II)Set an email alarm that sends you notifications when an Auto Scaling policy is executed.

#III)Migrate the contents of an Amazon S3 bucket to an EC2 instance.

#IV)Determine who logged in to your account 10 days ago and at what time.

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answers” collapse_text=”Hide Answers” ] II)Set an email alarm that sends you notifications when an Auto Scaling policy is executed. [/bg_collapse]

Check the Quiz to Earn 100/100 Points

The second attempt earns 50 points. Three or more earn 25 points.

List of Modules:

Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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