200+ python interview questions and answers

Here we discuss almost 200+ Python interview questions and answers from a different chapter. Preparing short questions on Python can be useful in a variety of situations, such as exams, interviews, and self-study.

In exams, short questions can be used to test a student’s knowledge and understanding of specific concepts or techniques in Python. This can help the examiners assess the student’s skills and abilities in a concise and efficient manner.

In interviews, short questions can be used to evaluate a candidate’s familiarity with Python and their ability to apply it in practical situations. This can help the interviewer gauge the candidate’s level of expertise and determine their suitability for the role.

In self-study, short questions can be used as a tool to review and reinforce one’s understanding of Python concepts and techniques. This can be particularly useful for learners who are preparing for exams or interviews, or for those who simply want to consolidate their knowledge of Python.

Overall, preparing short questions on Python can be a useful way to evaluate and improve one’s knowledge of the language, and can be applied in a variety of contexts, including exams, interviews, and self-study.

Before starting please make sure you should complete the Python tutorial and then start this so it will be best for you.

#1. Python Introduction and history: questions and answers

Here are 14 Python-related interview questions with answers: learn python introduction and Python history here.

1. What is Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and flexibility.

2. Who developed Python?

Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s.

3. What is the current stable version of Python?

The current stable version of Python is Python 3.10.

4. What are some notable features of Python?

Some notable features of Python include:

  • A large and comprehensive standard library
  • Support for multiple programming paradigms (e.g., object-oriented, functional, procedural)
  • Dynamically-typed and garbage-collected
  • High-level data types (e.g., lists, dictionaries)
  • Support for modules and packages

5. What are some common use cases for Python?

Some common use cases for Python include:

  • Web development (e.g., Django, Flask)
  • Data analysis and scientific computing (e.g., NumPy, Pandas)
  • Machine learning (e.g., scikit-learn, TensorFlow)
  • Automation (e.g., Selenium)
  • Desktop applications (e.g., PyQt, PyGTK)

6. What was Python initially developed for?

Python was initially developed as a general-purpose programming language, with a focus on code readability and simplicity.

7. What is the meaning of the name “Python”?

The name “Python” was chosen by Guido van Rossum because he was a fan of the British comedy group Monty Python.

8. What is the first version of Python and when was it released?

The first version of Python, called Python 0.9.0, was released in February 1991.

9. What is Python’s current version and when was it released?

The current version of Python is Python 3.10, which was released on October 5, 2021.

10. What are some of the key features of Python?

Some key features of Python include its simplicity and readability, strong support for object-oriented programming, and a large standard library.

11. What is the Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP)?

The Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) is a process for proposing and discussing improvements to Python. PEPs are written by the Python community and are used to discuss and document new features, as well as changes to existing features.

12. What is the Python Software Foundation (PSF)?

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is a non-profit organization that was created to support the development and growth of the Python programming language.

13. What is the Python Package Index (PyPI)?

The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software packages written in Python and is a central location for users to find and install Python packages.

14. What is the Python interpreter?

The Python interpreter is a program that executes Python code. It reads and interprets Python scripts, and allows users to interact with the Python language directly through a command-line interface.

#2. Python Syntax: questions and answers

Here are 10 Python syntax related interview questions with short answers:

1. What is the syntax for a single-line comment in Python?

  • To create a single-line comment in Python, use the “#” symbol followed by your comment text. For example: # This is a single-line comment

2. What is the syntax for a multi-line comment in Python?

  • To create a multi-line comment in Python, use triple quotes (either single or double) followed by your comment text. For example:
This is a multi-line
comment in Python

3. What is the syntax for a Python function definition?

  • To define a function in Python, use the def keyword followed by the function name and a set of parentheses containing any required arguments. For example:
def say_hello(name):
  print("Hello, " + name)

4. What is the syntax for a Python method definition?

  • To define a method in a Python class, use the def keyword followed by the method name and a set of parentheses containing any required arguments, including the self-argument, followed by a colon and an indented block of code. For example:
class Dog:
  def __init__(self, name, breed):
    self.name = name
    self.breed = breed
  def bark(self):

5. What is the syntax for a Python if statement?

  • To create an if statement in Python, use the if keyword followed by a condition, followed by a colon, and an indented block of code. For example:
if x > 0:
  print("x is positive")

6. What is the syntax for an else statement in Python?

  • To create an else statement in Python, use the else keyword followed by a colon and an indented block of code. The else statement is used in conjunction with an if statement, and will be executed if the condition in the if statement is not met. For example:
if x > 0:
  print("x is positive")
  print("x is not positive")

7. What is the syntax for an elif statement in Python?

  • To create an elif (else if) statement in Python, use the elif keyword followed by a condition, followed by a colon, and an indented block of code. The elif statement is used in conjunction with an if statement, and will be executed if the condition in the if statement is not met, but the condition in the elif statement is met. For example:
if x > 0:
  print("x is positive")
elif x == 0:
  print("x is zero")
  print("x is negative")

8. What is the syntax for a Python for loop?

  • To create a for loop in Python, use the for keyword followed by a loop variable, the in keyword, and an iterable object, followed by a colon and an indented block of code. For example:
for number in range(10):

9. What is the syntax for a Python try/except block?

  • To create a try/except block in Python, use the try keyword followed by a colon and an indented block of code that may raise an exception, followed by an except clause with an optional exception type and a colon, and an indented block of code to handle the exception. For example:
  x = 1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
  print("Division by zero is not allowed")

10. What is the syntax for a Python class definition?

  • To define a class in Python, use the class keyword followed by the class name and a set of parentheses containing the class’s parent class (if any), followed by a colon and an indented block of code. For example:
class Dog:
  def __init__(self, name, breed):
    self.name = name
    self.breed = breed

#3. Python Variable and Variable types: questions and answers

Here are 15 questions about Python variables and variable types, along with short answers:

1. What is a variable in Python?

A variable in Python is a named location in memory that stores a value. Variables can be used to store values of different types, such as numbers, strings, and objects.

2. How do you declare a variable in Python?

To declare a variable in Python, you simply assign a value to a name. For example: x = 10 declares a variable x and assigns it the value 10.

3. Can variables in Python change type?

Yes, variables in Python can change type. For example, you can assign a string to a variable, and then later assign an integer to the same variable.

4. What are the different types of variables in Python?

There are several different types of variables in Python, including integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and objects.

5. How do you create a string variable in Python?

To create a string variable in Python, you can use either single quotes or double quotes. For example: x = ‘hello’ or x = “hello”.

6. Can variables in Python be assigned multiple values at once?

Yes, variables in Python can be assigned multiple values at once using tuple packing. For example: x, y, z = 1, 2, 3.

7. Can you use variables before declaring them in Python?

No, you cannot use variables before declaring them in Python. If you try to use a variable before declaring it, you will get a NameError exception.

8. How do you delete a variable in Python?

To delete a variable in Python, you can use the del keyword. For example: del x will delete the variable x.

9. Can you assign a value to a variable with a different type than the variable’s current type?

Yes, you can assign a value to a variable with a different type than the variable’s current type in Python. This will change the type of the variable.

10. Can you use variables in Python’s print function?

Yes, you can use variables in Python’s print function by including them in the parentheses as arguments. For example: print(x) will print the value of the variable x.

11. Can you concatenate variables with strings in Python?

Yes, you can concatenate variables with strings in Python using the + operator. For example: print(‘The value of x is ‘ + x).

12. Can you use variables in Python’s string formatting function?

Yes, you can use variables in Python’s string formatting function by using placeholders in the string and passing the variables as arguments. For example: print(‘The value of x is {}’.format(x)).

13. What is a global variable in Python?

A global variable in Python is a variable that is defined outside of a function and can be accessed from anywhere in the program.

14. What is a local variable in Python?

A local variable in Python is a variable that is defined inside a function and can only be accessed within that function.

15. Can you use the same name for a local and a global variable in Python?

No, you cannot use the same name for a local and a global variable in Python. If you try to do so, the local variable will take precedence and the global variable will not be accessible within the function.

#4. Python String: questions and answers

Here are 15 questions about Python strings, along with short answers:

1. What is a string in Python?

A string in Python is a sequence of characters, usually used to represent text.

2. How do you create a string in Python?

To create a string in Python, you can use either single quotes or double quotes. For example: x = ‘hello’ or x = “hello”.

3. Can you use special characters in a Python string?

Yes, you can use special characters in a Python string by preceding them with a backslash (\). For example: x = “This is a new line.\n”.

4. How do you concatenate strings in Python?

To concatenate strings in Python, you can use the + operator. For example: x = “hello” + “world”.

5. Can you multiply strings in Python?

Yes, you can multiply strings in Python by using the * operator. For example: x = “hello” * 3 will create a string “hellohellohello”.

6. How do you access individual characters in a string in Python?

To access individual characters in a string in Python, you can use the indexing operator ([]). For example: x = “hello” and x[0] will return “h”.

7. Can you change individual characters in a string in Python?

No, you cannot change individual characters in a string in Python. Strings are immutable, which means that once they are created, they cannot be modified.

8. How do you slice a string in Python?

To slice a string in Python, you can use the slicing operator ([:]). For example: x[1:3] will return the sub-string “el”.

9. How do you find the length of a string in Python?

To find the length of a string in Python, you can use the built-in len() function. For example: len(x) will return the length of the string x.

10. How do you convert a string to uppercase in Python?

To convert a string to uppercase in Python, you can use the upper() method. For example: x.upper() will return the string x in uppercase.

11. How do you convert a string to lowercase in Python?

To convert a string to lowercase in Python, you can use the lower() method. For example: x.lower() will return the string x in lowercase.

12. How do you split a string into a list in Python?

To split a string into a list in Python, you can use the split() method. For example: x.split() will split the string x on white space and return a list of the resulting sub-strings.

13. How do you join a list of strings into a single string in Python?

To join a list of strings into a single string in Python, you can use the join() method. For example: ” “.join([“a”, “b”, “c”]) will return the string “a b c”.

14. How do you remove leading and trailing white space from a string in Python?

To remove leading and trailing white space from a string in Python, you can use the strip() method. For example: x.strip() will return a new string with any leading or trailing white space removed.

#5. Python Arrays: questions and answers

Here are ten questions about Python arrays, along with short answers:

Here are ten questions about Python arrays, along with short answers:

1. What is an array in Python?

An array in Python is a collection of values that are stored in a contiguous block of memory and can be accessed using an index.

2. How do you create an array in Python?

There is no built-in array data type in Python. Instead, you can use a list to create an array. For example: x = [1, 2, 3] creates an array x with three elements.

3. How do you access elements in an array in Python?

To access elements in an array in Python, you can use the indexing operator ([]). For example: x[0] will return the first element of the array x.

4. How do you change elements in an array in Python?

To change elements in an array in Python, you can use the assignment operator (=). For example: x[0] = 10 will change the first element of the array x to 10.

5. How do you add elements to an array in Python?

To add elements to an array in Python, you can use the append() method. For example: x.append(4) will add the element 4 to the end of the array x.

6. How do you remove elements from an array in Python?

To remove elements from an array in Python, you can use the remove() method or the del statement. For example: x.remove(4) will remove the element 4 from the array x, and del x[0] will remove the first element of the array x.

7. How do you find the length of an array in Python?

To find the length of an array in Python, you can use the built-in len() function. For example: len(x) will return the length of the array x.

8. How do you sort an array in Python?

To sort an array in Python, you can use the sort() method. For example: x.sort() will sort the elements of the array x in ascending order.

9. How do you reverse an array in Python?

To reverse an array in Python, you can use the reverse() method. For example: x.reverse() will reverse the order of the elements in the array x.

10. Can you use arithmetic operators with arrays in Python?

No, you cannot use arithmetic operators with arrays in Python. Arithmetic operators are intended for use with numerical values, and arrays are collections of values of any type.

#6. Python String Formatting: questions and answers

Here are ten questions about Python string formatting, along with short answers:

1. What is string formatting in Python?

String formatting in Python allows you to insert values into a string template, so that you can create strings with dynamic content.

2. How do you insert values into a string in Python?

There are several ways to insert values into a string in Python. One common method is to use the % operator, known as the “old style” string formatting. For example: “Hello, %s” % name will insert the value of the variable name into the string template. Another method is to use the format() method, known as the “new style” string formatting. For example: “Hello, {}”.format(name) will insert the value of the variable name into the string template.

3. Can you use variables in a string template in Python?

Yes, you can use variables in a string template in Python by inserting the variable using one of the methods mentioned above, such as the % operator or the format() method.

4. Can you use expressions in a string template in Python?

Yes, you can use expressions in a string template in Python by enclosing the expression in curly braces ({}). For example: “2 + 2 is equal to {}”.format(2 + 2) will insert the result of the expression 2 + 2 into the string template.

5. Can you use format specifiers in a string template in Python?

Yes, you can use format specifiers in a string template in Python to specify the type and format of the values being inserted into the string. Format specifiers are used with the % operator or the format() method. For example: “Hello, %s” % name will insert the value of the variable name as a string, and “%.2f” % 3.1415 will insert the value 3.1415 as a floating-point number with two decimal places.

6. Can you use escape characters in a string template in Python?

Yes, you can use escape characters in a string template in Python to insert special characters into the string. Escape characters start with a backslash () and are followed by a letter or symbol. For example: “This is a new line.\nThis is a tab.\t” will insert a new line and a tab into the string.

7. Can you use line breaks in a string template in Python?

Yes, you can use line breaks in a string template in Python by using the escape character \n. For example: “This is a line break.\nThis is a new line.” will insert a line break and a new line into the string.

8. Can you use string concatenation in a string template in Python?

Yes, you can use string concatenation in a string template in Python by using the + operator. For example: “Hello, ” + name will concatenate the string “Hello, ” with the value of the variable name.

9. Can you use string interpolation in a string template in Python?

Yes, you can use string interpolation in a string template in Python by using the f-strings feature introduced in Python 3.6. F-strings allow you to embed expressions inside string templates using curly braces ({}). For example: f”Hello, {name}” will insert the value of the variable name into the string template.

10. Can you use string alignment in a string template in Python?

Yes, you can use string alignment in a string template in Python to specify the position of the inserted values within the string. You can use the <, >, and ^ characters to align the values to the left, right, or center, respectively.

#7. Python Tuple: questions and answers

Here are ten questions about Python tuples, along with short answers:

1. What is a tuple in Python?

A tuple in Python is an immutable sequence data type, similar to a list. It can store a collection of values of any type, and the values can be accessed using an index.

2. How do you create a tuple in Python?

You can create a tuple in Python by enclosing a comma-separated list of values in parentheses (()). For example: x = (1, 2, 3) creates a tuple x with three elements.

3. How do you access elements in a tuple in Python?

To access elements in a tuple in Python, you can use the indexing operator ([]). For example: x[0] will return the first element of the tuple x.

4. Can you change elements in a tuple in Python?

No, you cannot change elements in a tuple in Python. Tuples are immutable, which means that once you create a tuple, you cannot change its elements.

5. Can you add elements to a tuple in Python?

No, you cannot add elements to a tuple in Python. Tuples are immutable, so you cannot add elements to a tuple once it has been created.

6. Can you remove elements from a tuple in Python?

No, you cannot remove elements from a tuple in Python. Tuples are immutable, so you cannot remove elements from a tuple once it has been created.

7. Can you find the length of a tuple in Python?

Yes, you can find the length of a tuple in Python by using the built-in len() function. For example: len(x) will return the length of the tuple x.

8. Can you sort a tuple in Python?

No, you cannot sort a tuple in Python. Tuples are immutable, so you cannot change their elements in any way. However, you can create a new sorted tuple from an existing tuple using the sorted() function. For example: sorted(x) will return a new sorted tuple with the elements of the tuple x in ascending order.

9. Can you reverse a tuple in Python?

No, you cannot reverse a tuple in Python. Tuples are immutable, so you cannot change their elements in any way. However, you can create a new reversed tuple from an existing tuple by using slicing with a negative step size. For example: x[::-1] will return a new tuple with the elements of the tuple x in reverse order.

10. Can you use arithmetic operators with tuples in Python?

No, you cannot use arithmetic operators with tuples in Python. Arithmetic operators are intended for use with numerical values, and tuples are collections of values of any type.

#8. Python Set: questions and answers

Here are ten questions about Python sets, along with short answers:

1. What is a set in Python?

A set in Python is an unordered collection of unique values. It can store a collection of values of any type, and the values in a set are not repeated.

2. How do you create a set in Python?

You can create a set in Python by enclosing a comma-separated list of values in curly braces ({}). For example: x = {1, 2, 3} creates a set x with three elements.

3. How do you access elements in a set in Python?

To access elements in a set in Python, you cannot use an index, because sets are unordered and do not have a fixed order. Instead, you can use the in operator to check if a value is contained in the set. For example: 1 in x will return True if the value 1 is contained in the set x.

4. Can you change elements in a set in Python?

Yes, you can change elements in a set in Python by using set methods such as add(), remove(), or update(). For example: x.add(4) will add the element 4 to the set x, x.remove(4) will remove the element 4 from the set x, and x.update({4, 5, 6}) will add the elements 4, 5, and 6 to the set x.

5. Can you add elements to a set in Python?

Yes, you can add elements to a set in Python by using the add() method. For example: x.add(4) will add the element 4 to the set x.

6. Can you remove elements from a set in Python?

Yes, you can remove elements from a set in Python by using the remove() method or the discard() method. For example: x.remove(4) will remove the element 4 from the set x, and x.discard(4) will do the same, but it will not raise an error if the element does not exist in the set.

7. Can you find the length of a set in Python?

Yes, you can find the length of a set in Python by using the built-in len() function. For example: len(x) will return the length of the set x.

8. How do you find the intersection of two sets in Python?

To find the intersection of two sets in Python, you can use the intersection() method or the & operator. For example: x.intersection(y) will return a new set with the elements that are common to both sets x and y, and x & y will do the same.

9. How do you find the union of two sets in Python?

To find the union of two sets in Python, you can use the union() method or the | operator. For example: x.union(y) will return a new set with all the elements from both sets x and y, without repeating any elements, and x | y will do the same.

10. How do you find the difference between two sets in Python?

To find the difference between two sets in Python, you can use the difference() method or the – operator. For example: x.difference(y) will return a new set with the elements that are in set x but not in set y, and x – y will do the same.

#9. Python Operators: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python operators, along with short answers:

1. What are operators in Python?

Operators in Python are special symbols that perform specific operations on one or more operands.

2. What are the types of operators in Python?

There are several types of operators in Python, including arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators, logical operators, identity operators, membership operators, and bitwise operators.

3. What are arithmetic operators in Python?

Arithmetic operators in Python are used to perform mathematical operations on numerical values. The arithmetic operators in Python are +, -, *, /, %, **, and //.

4. What are assignment operators in Python?

Assignment operators in Python are used to assign a value to a variable. The assignment operators in Python are =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **=, and //=.

5. What are comparison operators in Python?

Comparison operators in Python are used to compare two values and return a boolean result. The comparison operators in Python are ==, !=, >, <, >=, and <=.

6. What are logical operators in Python?

Logical operators in Python are used to perform boolean operations on two or more boolean operands. The logical operators in Python are and, or, and not.

7. What are identity operators in Python?

Identity operators in Python are used to compare the memory addresses of two objects. The identity operators in Python are is and is not.

8. What are membership operators in Python?

Membership operators in Python are used to test if a value is contained in a sequence, such as a list, tuple, or string. The membership operators in Python are in and not in.

9. What are bitwise operators in Python?

Bitwise operators in Python are used to perform bitwise operations on integers. The bitwise operators in Python are &, |, ^, ~, <<, and >>.

10. Can you use multiple operators in an expression in Python?

Yes, you can use multiple operators in an expression in Python.

#10. Python Dictionary: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python dictionaries, along with short answers:

1. What is a dictionary in Python?

A dictionary in Python is a data type that stores a collection of key-value pairs. The keys in a dictionary must be unique, and the values can be of any type.

2. How do you create a dictionary in Python?

You can create a dictionary in Python by enclosing a comma-separated list of key-value pairs in curly braces ({}). The key-value pairs are separated by a colon (:). For example: x = {‘a’: 1, ‘b’: 2, ‘c’: 3} creates a dictionary x with three key-value pairs.

3. How do you access elements in a dictionary in Python?

To access elements in a dictionary in Python, you can use the indexing operator ([]) with the key. For example: x[‘a’] will return the value of the key ‘a’ in the dictionary x.

4. Can you change elements in a dictionary in Python?

Yes, you can change elements in a dictionary in Python by assigning a new value to a key using the indexing operator. For example: x[‘a’] = 4 will change the value of the key ‘a’ in the dictionary x to 4.

5. Can you add elements to a dictionary in Python?

Yes, you can add elements to a dictionary in Python by assigning a value to a new key using the indexing operator. For example: x[‘d’] = 5 will add a new key-value pair ‘d’: 5 to the dictionary x.

6. Can you remove elements from a dictionary in Python?

Yes, you can remove elements from a dictionary in Python by using the del statement or the pop() method. For example: del x[‘a’] will remove the key-value pair ‘a’: 1 from the dictionary x, and x.pop(‘a’) will do the same and return the value of the removed key.

7. Can you find the length of a dictionary in Python?

Yes, you can find the length of a dictionary in Python by using the built-in len() function. For example: len(x) will return the length of the dictionary x, which is the number of key-value pairs it contains.

8. Can you sort a dictionary in Python?

No, you cannot sort a dictionary in Python. Dictionaries are unordered collections of key-value pairs, so they do not have a fixed order. However, you can create a sorted list of the keys or values in a dictionary using the sorted() function.

9. Can you reverse a dictionary in Python?

No, you cannot reverse a dictionary in Python. Dictionaries are unordered collections of key-value pairs, so they do not have a fixed order. However, you can create a reversed list of the keys or values in a dictionary by using slicing with a negative step size.

10. Can you use arithmetic operators with dictionaries in Python?

No, you cannot use arithmetic operators with dictionaries in Python. Arithmetic operators are intended for use with numerical values, and dictionaries are collections of key-value pairs.

#11. Python Conditional Statement: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python conditional statements, along with short answers:

1. What is a conditional statement in Python?

A conditional statement in Python is a control structure that allows you to execute a piece of code only if a certain condition is met.

2. How do you create a conditional statement in Python?

You can create a conditional statement in Python using the if keyword, followed by a condition in parentheses, and a block of code indented under the if clause. For example:

if x > 0:
    print("x is positive")

3. Can you have multiple conditions in a conditional statement in Python?

Yes, you can have multiple conditions in a conditional statement in Python using the elif keyword, which stands for “else if”. The elif clause allows you to specify additional conditions to be tested, and the code block indented under it will be executed if the condition is met. For example:

if x > 0:
    print("x is positive")
elif x < 0:
    print("x is negative")

4. Can you have a default action in a conditional statement in Python?

Yes, you can have a default action in a conditional statement in Python using the else keyword. The else clause specifies a code block to be executed if none of the previous conditions were met. For example:

if x > 0:
    print("x is positive")
elif x < 0:
    print("x is negative")
    print("x is zero")

5. Can you nest conditional statements in Python?

Yes, you can nest conditional statements in Python by placing a conditional statement inside the code block of another conditional statement. For example:

if x > 0:
    if y > 0:
        print("x and y are both positive")

6. Can you use logical operators in a conditional statement in Python?

Yes, you can use logical operators in a conditional statement in Python to combine multiple conditions. The logical operators in Python are and, or, and not. For example:

if x > 0 and y > 0:
    print("x and y are both positive")

7. Can you use comparison operators in a conditional statement in Python?

Yes, you can use comparison operators in a conditional statement in Python to compare two values. The comparison operators in Python are ==, !=, >, <, >=, and <=. For example:

if x == y:
    print("x and y are equal")

8. Can you use the ternary operator in a conditional statement in Python?

Yes, you can use the ternary operator in a conditional statement in Python to specify a conditional expression. The ternary operator in Python is written as value_if_true if condition else value_if_false. For example:

result = "x is positive" if x > 0 else "x is not positive"

9. Can you use the pass statement in a conditional statement in Python?

Yes, you can use the pass statement in a conditional statement in Python to specify a placeholder for a code block that has not been implemented yet. The `pass` statement does not execute any code, and it is used as a placeholder to avoid syntax errors. For example:

if x > 0: pass

10. Can you use the break statement in a conditional statement in Python?

Yes, you can use the break statement in a conditional statement in Python to exit a loop or switch case. The break statement causes the innermost enclosing loop or switch case to terminate immediately, and the program control flow resumes at the next statement after the loop or switch case. For example:

for i in range(10):
    if i == 5:

This will print the numbers 0 through 4, and then the loop will terminate when i becomes

#12. Python Functions: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python functions, along with very short answers:

1. a function in Python?

A function in Python is a block of code that can be called by a name and performs a specific task.

2. How do you create a function in Python?

You can create a function in Python using the def keyword, followed by the function name and parentheses (()), and a colon (:). The function body is indented under the def clause.

3. Can you pass arguments to a function in Python?

Yes, you can pass arguments to a function in Python by specifying them in the parentheses of the function call. The arguments are separated by commas.

4. Can you return a value from a function in Python?

Yes, you can return a value from a function in Python using the return statement. The value to be returned is specified after the return keyword.

5. Can you specify default values for function arguments in Python?

Yes, you can specify default values for function arguments in Python by assigning a value to the argument in the function definition. If the argument is not provided in the function call, the default value will be used.

6. Can you use variables in a function that are defined outside the function in Python?

Yes, you can use variables in a function that are defined outside the function in Python, but they must be declared as global variables using the global keyword.

7. Can you nest functions in Python?

Yes, you can nest functions in Python by defining a function inside another function. The inner function is only accessible from within the outer function.

8. Can you use anonymous functions (lambda functions) in Python?

Yes, you can use anonymous functions (lambda functions) in Python to define a function in a single line. Lambda functions do not have a name and are typically used for simple tasks.

9. Can you use function decorators in Python?

Yes, you can use function decorators in Python to modify the behavior of a function by wrapping it in another function. Function decorators are specified with the @ symbol, followed by the name of the decorator function.

def decorator(func):
    def wrapper():
        print("Before the function call")
        print("After the function call")
    return wrapper

def greet():

greet()  # prints "Before the function call", "Hello!", "After the function call"

10. Can you use recursive functions in Python?

Yes, you can use recursive functions in Python to define a function that calls itself repeatedly until a certain condition is met. Recursive functions are useful for solving problems that can be divided into smaller subproblems.

def factorial(n):
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    return n * factorial(n-1)

result = factorial(5)  # result will be 120 (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)

#13. Python Scope: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python Scope, along with short answers:

1. What is a variable in Python?

A variable in Python is a named location in memory that is used to store a value or reference to an object.

2. What is scope in Python?

Scope in Python refers to the visibility and accessibility of variables within a program. There are two types of scope in Python: global and local. Global scope refers to variables that are defined outside of any function or class and are accessible from anywhere in the program. Local scope refers to variables that are defined inside a function or class and are only accessible within that function or class.

3. How do you define a global variable in Python?

To define a global variable in Python, you simply need to assign a value to a variable outside of any function or class. For example:

x = 10 # global variable

def foo():
    print(x) # x is accessible within the function

foo() # prints 10

4. How do you define a local variable in Python?

To define a local variable in Python, you simply need to assign a value to a variable inside a function or class. For example:

def foo():
    x = 10 # local variable
    print(x) # x is only accessible within the function

foo() # prints 10
print(x) # throws an error because x is not defined in the global scope

5. Can you access a local variable from outside its scope in Python?

No, you cannot access a local variable from outside its scope in Python. Local variables are only accessible within the function or class in which they are defined.

6. Can you access a global variable from within a local scope in Python?

Yes, you can access a global variable from within a local scope in Python. However, if you want to modify the value of a global variable from within a local scope, you need to use the global keyword to indicate that you are modifying the global variable, like this:

x = 10 # global variable

def foo():
    global x
    x = 20 # modifies the global variable x
    print(x) # prints 20

print(x) # prints 20

7. What happens if you try to access a global variable from within a function without using the global keyword in Python?

If you try to access a global variable from within a function without using the global keyword in Python, the variable will be treated as a local variable. If the variable has not been defined within the local scope, this will result in an error.

8. Can you define a variable with the same name as a global variable within a local scope in Python?

Yes, you can define a variable with the same name as a global variable within a local scope in Python. This creates a new, local variable that shadows the global variable. The global variable is still accessible, but you need to use the global keyword to access it from within the local scope.

9. What is the difference between a local variable and a global variable in Python?

The main difference between a local variable and a global variable in Python is its scope, visibility, and accessibility. A local variable is only accessible within the function or class in which it is defined, while a global variable is accessible from anywhere in the program.

10. Can you modify a global variable from within a function in Python?

Yes, you can modify a global variable from within a function in Python by using the global keyword to indicate that you are modifying the global variable. This is done by adding the global keyword before the variable name when you assign a new value to it. For example:

x = 10 # global variable

def foo():
    global x
    x = 20 # modifies the global variable x
    print(x) # prints 20

print(x) # prints 20

#14. Python File Handling: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python file handling, along with short answers:

1. What is a file in Python?

A file in Python is a named location on a storage device that contains a collection of data or information.

2. How do you open a file in Python?

To open a file in Python, use the built-in open() function, which takes two arguments: the name of the file and the mode in which the file should be opened. For example:

f = open("myfile.txt", "r") # opens the file in read-only mode

3. What are the different modes in which a file can be opened in Python?

In Python, a file can be opened in one of the following modes:
• “r”: read-only mode (default)
• “w”: write-only mode (overwrites any existing data in the file)
• “a”: append mode (adds new data to the end of the file)
• “r+”: read and write mode
• “w+”: read and write mode (overwrites any existing data in the file)
• “a+”: read and append mode (adds new data to the end of the file)

4. How do you read the contents of a file in Python?

To read the contents of a file in Python, you can use the read() method of the file object, which reads the entire contents of the file as a string. For example:

f = open("myfile.txt", "r")
contents = f.read()

5. How do you read a specific number of characters from a file in Python?

To read a specific number of characters from a file in Python, you can use the read() method of the file object and specify the number of characters you want to read as an argument. For example:

f = open("myfile.txt", "r")
contents = f.read(10) # reads the first 10 characters of the file

6. How do you read a file line by line in Python?

To read a file line by line in Python, you can use the readline() method of the file object, which reads a single line from the file. You can then use a loop to iterate over the lines of the file. For example:

f = open("myfile.txt", "r")
for line in f:

7. How do you write to a file in Python?

To write a file in Python, use the write() method of the file object, which takes a string as an argument. If the file is opened in write-only or append mode, the string will be written to the file. If the file is opened in read-only mode, an error will be raised. For example:

f = open("myfile.txt", "w")
f.write("Hello, world!")

8. How do you close a file in Python?

To close a file in Python, use the close() method of the file object. This releases any resources that were being used by the file and closes the file handle. For example:

f = open("myfile.txt", "r")

9. How do you check if a file exists in Python?

To check if a file exists in Python, you can use the os module and the exists() function. This function takes the name of the file as an argument and returns True if the file exists and False if it does not. For example:

import os

if os.path.exists("myfile.txt"):
    print("The file exists.")
    print("The file does not exist.")

10. How do you delete a file in Python?

To delete a file in Python, you can use the os module and the remove() function. This function takes the name of the file as an argument and removes the file from the file system. If the file does not exist, an error will be raised. For example:

import os


#15. Python Inheritance: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python Inheritance, along with short answers:

1. What is inheritance in Python?

Inheritance in Python is the ability of a class to inherit properties and methods from a parent class. This allows a class to reuse code and extend or modify the behavior of the parent class.

2. How do you create a subclass in Python?

To create a subclass in Python, you can define a new class that is derived from an existing class. The syntax for this is:

class SubClass(BaseClass): # class definition

3. How do you call the constructor of the superclass in Python?

To call the constructor of the superclass in Python, you can use the super() function. This function returns a special object that allows you to access the methods and properties of the superclass. To call the constructor of the superclass, you can use the init() method of the superclass like this:

class SubClass(BaseClass):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # other initialization code

4. How do you override a method in a subclass in Python?

To override a method in a subclass in Python, you can simply define a new method with the same name in the subclass. This will override the method in the superclass, and the new method in the subclass will be used instead. For example:

class BaseClass:
    def foo(self):
        print("BaseClass.foo() called")

class SubClass(BaseClass):
    def foo(self):
        print("SubClass.foo() called")

obj = SubClass()
obj.foo() # prints "SubClass.foo() called"

5. How do you access the overridden method in a subclass in Python?

To access the overridden method in a subclass in Python, you can use the super() function to access the superclass and call the method on it. For example:

class BaseClass:
    def foo(self):
        print("BaseClass.foo() called")

class SubClass(BaseClass):
    def foo(self):
        print("SubClass.foo() called")

obj = SubClass()
obj.foo() # prints "BaseClass.foo() called" and "SubClass.foo() called"

6. Can you override a method from a superclass in a subclass in Python?

Yes, you can override a method from a superclass in a subclass in Python by simply defining a new method with the same name in the subclass. This will override the method in the superclass, and the new method in the subclass will be used instead.

7. Can you call the overridden method from a subclass in Python?

Yes, you can call the overridden method from a subclass in Python by using the super() function to access the superclass and call the method on it. This will allow you to access the original implementation of the method, even if it has been overridden in the subclass.

8. Can you override a method from a base class in multiple inheritance in Python?

Yes, you can override a method from a base class in multiple inheritance in Python by simply defining a new method with the same name in the subclass. This will override the method in the base class, and the new method in the subclass will be used instead.

9. Can you call the overridden method from a subclass in multiple inheritance in Python?

Yes, you can call the overridden method from a subclass in multiple inheritance in Python by using the super() function to access the base class and calling the method on it. This will allow you to access the original implementation of the method, even if it has been overridden in the subclass.

10. Can you inherit from multiple classes in Python?

Yes, you can inherit from multiple classes in Python using multiple inheritance. This is done by specifying multiple base classes in the parentheses after the subclass name, separated by commas. For example:

class SubClass(BaseClass1, BaseClass2):
    # class definition

#16. Python Module: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python Module, along with short answers:

1. What is a module in Python?

A module in Python is a file that contains a collection of Python code, such as functions, classes, and variables. Modules allow you to reuse code and organize your code into logical units.

2. How do you import a module in Python?

To import a module in Python, use the import statement, followed by the name of the module. For example:

import math

3. How do you access a function or variable from a module in Python?

To access a function or variable from a module in Python, you can use the dot notation, which consists of the name of the module, followed by a period and the name of the function or variable. For example:

import math result = math.sqrt(25) # calls the sqrt() function from the math module

4. How do you import a specific function or variable from a module in Python?

To import a specific function or variable from a module in Python, you can use the from … import … statement, followed by the name of the module, the import keyword, and the name of the function or variable you want to import. For example:

from math import sqrt result = sqrt(25) 
# calls the sqrt() function from the math module

5. How do you import multiple functions or variables from a module in Python?

To import multiple functions or variables from a module in Python, you can use the from … import … statement, followed by the name of the module, the import keyword, and a comma-separated list of the functions or variables you want to import. For example:

from math import sqrt, sin, cos

result1 = sqrt(25) # calls the sqrt() function from the math module
result2 = sin(0) # calls the sin() function from the math module
result3 = cos(0) # calls the cos() function from the math module

6. How do you import all functions and variables from a module in Python?

To import all functions and variables from a module in Python, you can use the from … import * statement, followed by the name of the module and the import keyword. This will import all functions and variables from the module, but it is not recommended as it can lead to naming conflicts. For example:

from math import *

result1 = sqrt(25) # calls the sqrt() function from the math module
result2 = sin(0) # calls the sin() function from the math module
result3 = cos(0) # calls the cos() function from the math module

7. How do you create a custom module in Python?

To create a custom module in Python, you can simply create a new Python file and define your functions, classes, and variables in it. The module can then be imported by other Python programs using the import statement.

8. How do you import a module from a package in Python?

To import a module from a package in Python, you can use the import statement, followed by the name of the package, the . operator, and the name of the module. For example:

import mypackage.mymodule

9. How do you import a function or variable from a module in a package in Python?

To import a function or variable from a module in a package in Python, you can use the from … import … statement, followed by the name of the package, the . operator, the name of the module, the import keyword, and the name of the function or variable you want to import. For example:

from mypackage.mymodule import myfunction

10. How do you import a module from a subpackage in a package in Python?

To import a module from a subpackage in a package in Python, you can use the import statement, followed by the name of the package, the .operator, the name of the subpackage, and the .operator, and the name of the module. For example:

import mypackage.mysubpackage.mymodule

#17. Python Regular Expression (RegEx): questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python Regular Expression (RegEx), along with short answers:

1. What is a regular expression in Python?

A regular expression, or regex, is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. Regular expressions are used to match patterns in strings, such as specific characters, words, or patterns of characters.

2. How do you create a regular expression in Python?

To create a regular expression in Python, you can use the re module and the compile() function. This function takes the regular expression pattern as an argument and returns a pattern object that can be used to match strings. For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("^Hello, World!$")

3. How do you match a regular expression in Python?

To match a regular expression in Python, you can use the match() method of the pattern object. This method takes the string to match as an argument and returns a match object if the string matches the pattern, or None if it does not. For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("^Hello, World!$")

string = "Hello, World!"
match = pattern.match(string)

if match:
    print("The string matches the pattern.")
    print("The string does not match the pattern.")

4. How do you search for a regular expression in Python?

To search for a regular expression in Python, you can use the search() method of the pattern object. This method takes the string to search as an argument and returns a match object if the pattern is found in the string, or None if it is not. For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("Hello, World!")

string = "This is a string with the pattern 'Hello, World!' in it."

match = pattern.search(string)

if match:
    print("The pattern was found in the string.")
    print("The pattern was not found in the string.")

5. How do you find all occurrences of a regular expression in Python?

To find all occurrences of a regular expression in Python, you can use the finditer() method of the pattern object. This method takes the string to search as an argument and returns an iterator of match objects for all occurrences of the pattern in the string. For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("Hello, World!")

string = "This is a string with the pattern 'Hello, World!' in it multiple times."

matches = pattern.finditer(string)

for match in matches:
    print("The pattern was found at index {}.".format(match.start()))

6. How do you replace a regular expression in Python?

To replace a regular expression in Python, you can use the sub() method of the pattern object. This method takes the replacement string as an argument and returns a new string with all occurrences of the pattern replaced. For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("Hello, World!")

string = "This is a string with the pattern 'Hello, World!' in it."

new_string = pattern.sub("Goodbye, World!", string)
print(new_string) # prints "This is a string with the

7. How do you split a string by a regular expression in Python?

To split a string by a regular expression in Python, you can use the split() method of the pattern object. This method takes the string to split as an argument and returns a list of strings split by the pattern. For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("[,\s]")

string = "This is a string with some words separated by commas and spaces."

words = pattern.split(string)
print(words) # prints ["This", "is", "a", "string", "with", "some", "words", "separated", "by", "commas", "and", "spaces."]

8. How do you extract a group from a regular expression match in Python?

To extract a group from a regular expression match in Python, you can use the group() method of the match object. This method takes the group number as an argument and returns the matching string for that group. Groups are specified in the regular expression pattern using parentheses. For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("^(Hello), (World)!$")

string = "Hello, World!"
match = pattern.match(string)

if match:
    print(match.group(1)) # prints "Hello"
    print(match.group(2)) # prints "World"

9. How do you extract all groups from a regular expression match in Python?

To extract all groups from a regular expression match in Python, you can use the groups() method of the match object. This method returns a tuple of all matching strings for the groups in the regular expression pattern. For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("^(Hello), (World)!$")

string = "Hello, World!"
match = pattern.match(string)

if match:
    print(match.groups()) # prints ("Hello", "World")

10. How do you specify a range of characters in a regular expression in Python?

To specify a range of characters in a regular expression in Python, you can use the [] notation, followed by the range of characters separated by a hyphen. For example, [a-z] will match any lowercase letter, [A-Z] will match any uppercase letter, and [0-9] will match any digit. You can also use the ^ character to negate the range, so [^a-z] will match any character that is not a lowercase letter.

You can also combine multiple character ranges by separating them with a pipe symbol, like this: [a-z|A-Z|0-9], which will match any lowercase letter, uppercase letter, or digit.

For example:

import re

pattern = re.compile("^[a-z]{3}$")

string = "abc"
match = pattern.match(string)

if match:
    print("The string is a lowercase word with three letters.")
    print("The string does not match the pattern.")

#18. Python Exception handling: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python Exception handling, along with short answers:

1. What is an exception in Python?

An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions.

2. What is a try-except block in Python?

A try-except block is a way to handle exceptions in Python. It consists of a try statement followed by one or more except clauses, which specify the handling for different exceptions.

3. How do you raise an exception in Python?

To raise an exception in Python, you can use the raise keyword, followed by the exception you want to raise. For example:

raise ValueError("Invalid input")

4. How do you handle an exception in Python?

To handle an exception in Python, you can use a try-except block. The syntax for a try-except block is:

    # code that may cause an exception
except ExceptionType:
    # code to handle the exception

5. Can you provide an example of handling a specific exception in Python?

Here is an example of handling a specific exception in Python:

    x = int(input("Enter a number: "))
except ValueError:
    print("You did not enter a valid number")

6. Can you provide an example of handling multiple exceptions in Python?

Here is an example of handling multiple exceptions in Python:

    x = int(input("Enter a number: "))
except ValueError:
    print("You did not enter a valid number")
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("You cannot divide by zero")

7. What is the else clause in a try-except block in Python?

The else clause in a try-except block in Python is executed if no exceptions are raised in the try block.

8. Can you provide an example of using the else clause in a try-except block in Python?

Here is an example of using the else clause in a try-except block in Python:

    x = int(input("Enter a number: "))
except ValueError:
    print("You did not enter a valid number")
    print("The number you entered is", x)

9. What is the finally clause in a try-except block in Python?

The finally clause in a try-except block in Python is executed after the try block and any except clauses have been executed, regardless of whether an exception was raised or not.

10. Can you provide an example of using the finally clause in a try-except block in Python?

Here is an example of using the finally clause in a try-except block in Python:

    x = int(input("Enter a number: "))
except ValueError:
    print("You did not enter a valid number")
    print("The try-except block is complete")

#19. Python Date & Time: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python Date & Time, along with short answers:

1. How do you get the current date and time in Python?

To get the current date and time in Python, you can use the datetime module. You can use the datetime.now() function to get the current date and time as a datetime object.

2. How do you format a date and time in Python?

To format a date and time in Python, you can use the strftime method of the datetime object. The strftime method takes a format string as an argument, and returns a string representation of the date and time in the specified format.

3. How do you convert a string to a datetime object in Python?

To convert a string to a datetime object in Python, you can use the datetime.strptime function. The datetime.strptime function takes a string representation of a date and time and a format string as arguments, and returns a datetime object.

4. How do you convert a datetime object to a string in Python?

To convert a datetime object to a string in Python, you can use the strftime method of the datetime object. The strftime method takes a format string as an argument, and returns a string representation of the date and time in the specified format.

5. How do you add or subtract time from a datetime object in Python?

To add or subtract time from a datetime object in Python, you can use the timedelta object from the datetime module. To add time, you can use the + operator, and to subtract time, you can use the - operator. For example:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Add two days to the current date
new_date = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=2)

# Subtract one hour from the current time
new_time = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=1)

6. How do you get the day of the week from a datetime object in Python?

To get the day of the week from a datetime object in Python, you can use the weekday method of the datetime object. The weekday method returns an integer representing the day of the week, where 0 is Monday and 6 is Sunday.

7. How do you get the month from a datetime object in Python?

To get the month from a datetime object in Python, you can use the month attribute of the datetime object. The month attribute is an integer representing the month, where 1 is January and 12 is December.

8. How do you get the year from a datetime object in Python?

To get the year from a datetime object in Python, you can use the year attribute of the datetime object. The year attribute is an integer representing the year.

9. How do you compare two datetime objects in Python?

To compare two datetime objects in Python, you can use the comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=). For example:

from datetime import datetime

date1 = datetime(2022, 1, 1)
date2 = datetime(2022, 2, 1)

if date1 < date2:
    print(f"{date1} is before {date2}")

10. How do you convert a datetime object to a Unix timestamp in Python?

To convert a datetime object to a Unix timestamp in Python, you can use the timestamp method of the datetime object. The timestamp method returns a floating point value representing the Unix timestamp, which is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. For example:

from datetime import datetime

date = datetime(2022, 1, 1)
timestamp = date.timestamp()

#20. Python User Input: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python User Input, along with short answers:

1. How do you get user input in Python?

To get user input in Python, you can use the input function. The input function reads a line of text from the user and returns it as a string. For example:

name = input("Enter your name: ")

2. How do you get an integer input from a user in Python?

To get an integer input from a user in Python, you can use the int function to convert the string returned by the input function to an integer. For example:

age = int(input("Enter your age: "))

3. How do you get a float input from a user in Python?

To get a float input from a user in Python, you can use the float function to convert the string returned by the input function to a float. For example:

price = float(input("Enter the price: "))

4. How do you validate user input in Python?

To validate user input in Python, you can use a combination of the try and except statements, along with the appropriate type conversion function (e.g. int, float). For example:

while True:
        age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
    except ValueError:
        print("You did not enter a valid integer. Please try again.")

5. Can you provide an example of getting a Yes/No input from a user in Python?

Here is an example of getting a Yes/No input from a user in Python:

while True:
    choice = input("Do you want to continue? (Y/N) ").upper()
    if choice == 'Y':
    elif choice == 'N':
        print("Invalid input. Please enter Y or N.")

6. Can you provide an example of getting a password input from a user in Python?

Here is an example of getting a password input from a user in Python:

import getpass

password = getpass.getpass("Enter your password: ")

7. How do you get multiple inputs from a user in Python?

To get multiple inputs from a user in Python, you can use a loop and the input function. For example:

items = []
while True:
    item = input("Enter an item (enter 'done' when finished): ")
    if item == 'done':

8. Can you provide an example of getting a list of integers as input from a user in Python?

Here is an example of getting a list of integers as input from a user in Python:

numbers = []
while True:
        number = int(input("Enter a number (enter 'done' when finished): "))
    except ValueError:
        if number == 'done':
            print("You did not enter a valid integer. Please try again.")

9. How do you read input from a file in Python?

To read input from a file in Python, you can use the open function to open the file and the read method to read the contents of the file. For example:

with open('input.txt', 'r') as f:
    input_str = f.read()

10. How do you read input from the command line in Python?

To read input from the command line in Python, you can use the sys module and the argv attribute. The argv attribute is a list of the command line arguments passed to the script. For example:

import sys

input_str = sys.argv[1]

#21. Python Classes and Objects: questions and answers

Here are 10 questions about Python Classes and Objects, along with short answers:

1. What is a class in Python?

A class in Python is a template for creating objects. It defines the attributes and behaviors that objects of that class will have.

2. How do you define a class in Python?

To define a class in Python, you use the class keyword followed by the class name and a colon. The class definition should be indented, and the class body should contain the attributes and methods of the class. For example:

class Dog:
    def __init__(self, name, breed):
        self.name = name
        self.breed = breed

    def bark(self):

3. What is the self keyword in Python?

The self keyword in Python is used to refer to the current instance of a class. It is used to access the attributes and methods of the class from within the class definition.

4. How do you create an object from a class in Python?

To create an object from a class in Python, you use the class name followed by parentheses. This will call the class’s __init__ method, which is a special method in Python classes that is used to initialize the object. For example:

dog1 = Dog("Fido", "Labrador")

5. How do you access the attributes of an object in Python?

To access the attributes of an object in Python, you use the dot notation. For example, if you have an object dog1 with an attribute name, you can access the attribute using dog1.name.

6. How do you access the methods of an object in Python?

To access the methods of an object in Python, you use the dot notation and call the method with parentheses. For example, if you have an object dog1 with a method bark, you can call the method using dog1.bark().

7. How do you define a class inheritance in Python?

To define a class inheritance in Python, you use the class keyword followed by the subclass name, the (Superclass) syntax, and a colon. The subclass definition should be indented, and the subclass body should contain the attributes and methods specific to the subclass. For example:

class GoldenRetriever(Dog):
    def fetch(self):

8. How do you override a method in a subclass in Python?

To override a method in a subclass in Python, you can define a new method with the same name in the subclass. The new method will replace the method from the superclass for objects of the subclass.

9. How do you call the superclass method from a subclass in Python?

To call the superclass method from a subclass in Python, you can use the super() function. The super() function returns a temporary object of the superclass, which allows you to call the superclass method using the dot notation. For example:

class GoldenRetriever(Dog):
    def fetch(self):

10. What is a constructor in Python?

A constructor in Python is a special method in a class that is called when an object of the class is created. The __init__ method is the default constructor in Python classes.

#22. Python Iterators: questions and answers

Here are 6 questions about Python Iterators, along with short answers:

1. What is an iterator in Python?

An iterator in Python is an object that can be iterated (looped) upon. An object is called iterable if we can get an iterator from it.

2. How do you create an iterator in Python?

To create an iterator in Python, you need to implement two methods in your object: __iter__ and __next__. The __iter__ method returns the iterator object itself, and the __next__ method returns the next value from the iterator.

3. How do you iterate through an iterator in Python?

To iterate through an iterator in Python, you can use a for loop. The for loop will automatically call the __next__ method of the iterator until it raises a StopIteration exception, which signals the end of the iteration. For example:

for i in iterator:

4. How do you convert an iterable object to an iterator in Python?

To convert an iterable object to an iterator in Python, you can use the iter function. The iter function returns an iterator object that can be used to iterate over the iterable. For example:

iterator = iter([1, 2, 3])

5. What is the difference between an iterable and an iterator in Python?

The main difference between an iterable and an iterator in Python is that an iterable is an object that can be iterated upon, while an iterator is an object that is used to perform the iteration. An iterable has a __iter__ method that returns an iterator, while an iterator has a __next__ method that returns the next value of the iteration.

6. Can you provide an example of creating a custom iterator in Python?

Here is an example of creating a custom iterator in Python:

class MyIterator:
    def __init__

#23. Python Lambda: questions and answers

Here are 9 questions about Python Lambda, along with short answers:

1. What is a lambda function in Python?

A lambda function in Python is a small anonymous function without a name. It is defined using the lambda keyword and has a single expression as its body.

2. How do you create a lambda function in Python?

To create a lambda function in Python, you use the lambda keyword followed by a list of arguments, a colon, and the function body. The function body must be a single expression, and it is automatically returned. For example:

lambda x: x*2

3. How do you use a lambda function in Python?

To use a lambda function in Python, you can assign it to a variable or pass it as an argument to another function. For example:

double = lambda x: x*2
print(double(5))  # Output: 10

4. How do you pass multiple arguments to a lambda function in Python?

To pass multiple arguments to a lambda function in Python, you can separate them with a comma. For example:

add = lambda x, y: x+y
print(add(3, 4))  # Output: 7

5. Can you provide an example of using a lambda function as a map function in Python?

Here is an example of using a lambda function as a map function in Python:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
doubled = map(lambda x: x*2, numbers)
print(list(doubled))  # Output: [2, 4, 6, 8]

6. Can you provide an example of using a lambda function as a filter function in Python?

Here is an example of using a lambda function as a filter function in Python:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
evens = filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, numbers)
print(list(evens))  # Output: [2, 4, 6]

7. Can you provide an example of using a lambda function as a reduce function in Python?

Here is an example of using a lambda function as a reduce function in Python:

from functools import reduce

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
product = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, numbers)
print(product)  # Output: 24

8. How do you use a lambda function as a callback in Python?

To use a lambda function as a callback in Python, you can pass it as an argument to another function that expects a callback. The lambda function will be executed when the callback is called. For example:

def do_something(callback):

do_something(lambda: print("Hello!"))  # Output: Hello!

9. How do you use a lambda function as a decorator in Python?

To use a lambda function as a decorator in Python, you can define the lambda function and then use the @ symbol followed by the lambda function to decorate a function. The lambda function will be executed when the decorated function is called. For example:

def log(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        print("Calling function:", func.__name__)

Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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