What is iterator in java? with example

I. Introduction

A. Explanation of Iterator in Java

Iterator is an interface in Java that allows the programmer to traverse through a collection of elements and access them one by one. It enables the programmer to iterate over elements in a collection without exposing the underlying structure of the collection.

B. Importance of Iterator in Java

Iterator is an important concept in Java because it allows for the efficient traversal of elements in a collection. It also provides a consistent way to access elements in a collection, regardless of the underlying data structure. This makes code more maintainable and reduces the risk of errors.

II. Understanding Iterator Interface

A. Explanation of Iterator Interface

The Iterator interface is a member of the Java Collections Framework. It defines the methods that an iterator must implement. The Iterator interface has three main methods: hasNext(), next(), and remove(). The hasNext() method returns a boolean indicating whether there are more elements in the collection. The next() method returns the next element in the collection, and the remove() method removes the last element returned by the next() method.

B. Methods of Iterator Interface

  • hasNext(): returns a boolean indicating whether there are more elements in the collection
  • next(): returns the next element in the collection
  • remove(): removes the last element returned by the next() method

C.Use cases of Iterator Interface

Iterator interface is commonly used in situations where elements in a collection need to be accessed one by one. It is often used in loops, where the programmer wants to iterate through all elements in a collection, performing some operation on each element. For example, it can be used to iterate through elements in a List, Set or Map, and perform operations like printing, searching, or removing elements.

III. Implementing Iterator Interface

A. Explanation of Implementing Iterator Interface

In order to implement the Iterator interface, a class must provide an implementation for the hasNext(), next() and remove() methods. It can be done by creating a new class that implements the Iterator interface.

B. Example of Implementing Iterator Interface

class MyIterator implements Iterator {
private int[] array;
private int index = 0;
public MyIterator(int[] array) {
    this.array = array;

public boolean hasNext() {
    return index < array.length;

public Integer next() {
    return array[index++];

public void remove() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

C. Output of the example

The output would be an iterator that iterates through the elements of an array of integers.

IV. Iterator VS Enumeration

A. Explanation of Iterator VS Enumeration

Enumeration is an older interface in Java for iterating through elements in a collection, similar to the Iterator interface. However, Enumeration has a more limited set of methods, with only the hasMoreElements() and nextElement() methods. Iterator is a more advanced and recommended interface to use, as it has more powerful methods and better support for modification of the underlying collection.

B. Differences between Iterator and Enumeration

  • – Iterator has more powerful methods and better support for modification of the underlying collection
  • – Enumeration is an older interface with a more limited set of methods

C. Use cases of Iterator and Enumeration

Enumeration is mostly used in legacy code, it is recommended to use Iterator instead of Enumeration in new development as it provides more powerful methods and better support for modification of the underlying collection.

V. Best practices for using Iterator

A. Explanation of best practices for using Iterator

Best practices for using Iterator include:

  • – Use the Iterator’s hasNext() method before calling the next() method
  • – Use the Iterator’s remove() method with caution
  • – Avoid modifying the underlying collection while iterating through it

B. Example of using best practices for using Iterator

MyIterator iterator = new MyIterator(new int[]{1, 2, 3});
while (iterator.hasNext()) 
int element = iterator.next(); 
// do something with the element 

C. Output of the example

The output would be the code correctly iterating through the elements of the array, performing some operation on each element, and then removing it from the array.

VI. Conclusion

A. Summary of key points

Iterator is an interface in Java that allows for the efficient traversal of elements in a collection. It provides a consistent way to access elements in a collection, regardless of the underlying data structure. Best practices for using Iterator include using the Iterator’s hasNext() method before calling the next() method, using the Iterator’s remove() method with caution, and avoiding modifying the underlying collection while iterating through it.

B. Comparison of Iterator and other similar interfaces

Enumeration is a similar interface, but it is an older interface with a more limited set of methods, and it is not recommended to use it in new development.

C. Recommendations for using Iterator in Java

It is recommended to use the Iterator interface when iterating through elements in a collection, as it provides powerful methods and better support for modification of the underlying collection. It is also important to follow best practices for using Iterator, such as using the Iterator’s hasNext() method before calling the next() method, using the Iterator’s remove() method with caution, and avoiding modifying the underlying collection while iterating through it.

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Pramod Kumar Yadav is from Janakpur Dham, Nepal. He was born on December 23, 1994, and has one elder brother and two elder sisters. He completed his education at various schools and colleges in Nepal and completed a degree in Computer Science Engineering from MITS in Andhra Pradesh, India. Pramod has worked as the owner of RC Educational Foundation Pvt Ltd, a teacher, and an Educational Consultant, and is currently working as an Engineer and Digital Marketer.

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